Prepared to Die


Everyone's breathing quickened.

This person was someone they had no hope of ever becoming.

Qiu Yuan.

A legendary figure.

A thousand years ago, mutated beasts from the outside world invaded.

Dire beasts ran rampant, demon beasts wreaked havoc everywhere, and there were celestial behemoths that had immeasurable power. There was nothing but chaos and destruction in the human world. It was living purgatory on earth.

As humans faced the threat of being exterminated, a young man appeared.

Bearing only a sword, he used one technique—Three Essence Wind Sword—to kill a celestial behemoth. He did that so easily, even though celestial behemoths were powerful creatures that not even nuclear bombs could kill.

He used dozens of sword techniques and cultivation techniques that no one had ever heard of before, and he eradicated tens of millions of dire beasts and demon beasts.

What he did grant the human race some respite.

Following that, that young man founded the Zosteylor Martial Arts Alliance, earning the respect of all martial artists.

Qiu Yuan was extremely generous, teaching every cultivation technique and secret manual that he knew to the human race.

Following that, he created thousands of cultivation techniques and secret manuals one after another, publicizing them and making them known to mankind.

He originally thought that under his leadership, the human race would kill all the mutated beasts and restore their status as the overlord of Earth.

Unfortunately, when he was on the way to Xyperia to prepare for the establishment of the Xyperia Martial Arts Alliance, he got besieged by hundreds of celestial behemoths and thousands of demon beasts and died.

He was only 18 years old that year.

Fortunately, he had left behind many cultivation techniques, secret manuals, and inheritances related to martial arts cultivation.

The Zosteylor Alliance made copies of all of them and gave them to other states and continents, allowing more people to step into the martial arts world and become martial artists.

Only then could humans contend with the mutated beasts and avoid the danger of being exterminated.

"Comparing him to Lord Qiu Yuan is a bit inappropriate."

Someone in the crowd could not help but say that.

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

Sikou Nanbo had the same thought, but the talent that Su Hei displayed had already greatly exceeded his expectations.

Even if Su Hei was not as powerful as Lord Qiu Yuan, he was definitely the most talented martial artist in Zosteylor and the entire human race.

Su Hei was able to create his own cultivation technique at the age of 18! Not even rare geniuses could be compared to him!

Nobody could begin to imagine the kind of achievements he could accomplish in the future!

Even he, Sikou Nanbo, could not do it!

Sikou Nanbo had extremely high expectations for Su Hei.


At Mount Sila.

It was a thousand miles away from the Quilton base.

It was the largest mountain in Zosteylor. At the same time, it had the highest altitude. To sum it up, it was a massive mountain.

It covered an area of more than three million square kilometers and divided Zosteylor and Xyperia.

At this moment, at the part of Mount Sila that was close to Xyperia.

A group of men was tirelessly moving in the direction of Zosteylor. Many of them were severely injured, but they were still moving at an incredible pace.

They disregarded their wounds because they wanted to rush back to the Quilton base as soon as possible. They had vital information that needed to be conveyed to the Quilton base.

This group of people was from the first brigade of the Quilton City Defense Team. Xun Chengwu and Qin Feng were among them too.

There were only 38 people left in the thousand-man brigade, including Captain Xun Chengwu and section leader Qin Feng.

All of them were seriously injured. There was even a long and narrow wound on Xun Chengwu's chest that stretched across his stomach. The bandage that he had just changed earlier was stained with blood again. Blood had started to seep through his bandage and drip steadily onto the ground.

If Qin Feng had not held onto him, Xun Chengwu would not have been able to hold on.

"Captain, there are still more than a hundred Borneo martial artists behind us. I don't think we'll be able to lose them," one team member reported to Xun Chengwu.

He spoke while agilely dodging between trees.

Xun Chengwu forced his eyes to open.

He said weakly, "How far are we from home?"

Qin Feng immediately spoke.

"We've only entered the forest. We are not even a hundred miles in. Judging from our current speed, we'll need at least two days to reach the base."

Xun Chengwu shook his head. After saying those words, he felt even frailer than before.

"We can't go on like this. It doesn't matter if we lose our lives. If we can't send the news back to the base before they arrive, we'll become sinners of the Quilton base," said Qin Feng.

He exerted more strength on his left arm to prevent Xun Chengwu from falling off.

Qin Feng frowned and had a dark expression.

"According to their plan, they will choose to execute their plan soon. The latest will be tomorrow."

"We don't have any vehicles to use, and all of us have sustained varying degrees of injury. We'll need at least two days to rush back. This news definitely won't be delivered in time," he analyzed.

Suddenly, Xun Chengwu let out a string of hacking coughs.

He became very agitated when he heard Qin Feng's words.

"It must be delivered in time!"

Seeing that Qin Feng did not say anything, Xun Chengwu thought for a moment before pushing Qin Feng away from him.

All along, the only reason he could stand up was that he had Qin Feng's support. Now that he pushed Qin Feng away, without anyone to support him, Xun Chengwu collapsed to the ground.


Qin Feng shouted anxiously.

When everyone heard this, they stopped in their tracks and turned around.



Amidst the cries of concern, Xun Chengwu coughed a few times and tried his best to get up.

Qin Feng reacted quickly and helped him up.

"My buddies, are you afraid of death?"

Xun Chengwu asked them.

"We're not afraid!"

"To be able to die with Captain… I can't ask for more!"

Xun Chengwu's question evoked intense reactions from his teammates.

Xun Chengwu cursed feebly at them.

"You rascals! What nonsense are you all sprouting? There's not a single soul who isn't afraid of death."

Seeing that everyone was chuckling foolishly, Xun Chengwu continued to speak.

"But today, some of us will be destined to die here."

"It's not that we can't run. If we want to live, we simply need to turn around and run. We will definitely be safe if we do that."

"But if we do that, the Quilton Base will face a disaster that they are dangerously unprepared for. The tens of millions of people living in Quilton will die or suffer endless pain and misery."

Before Xun Chengwu could finish speaking, someone in the crowd shouted.

"Captain, there's no need to say anymore. We understand what you mean!"

"We've been your followers since the very first day we joined the City Defense Team. We will abide by your orders and do whatever you tell us to."

"Moreover, the Quilton base is our hometown. All of our parents and friends live there. Since we hold information that concerns their survival, we have to ensure that the information arrives before us, even at the cost of our lives."

Xun Chengwu looked at the man who spoke and swept his gaze across the faces of the other teammates.

All of them had resolute expressions. They were prepared to face death with equanimity.

Xun Chengwu was overcome with emotion and tears welled up in his eyes.