Energy Polymer Block

Under everyone's gazes, the newcomers spoke one after another.

"Mr. Chen, isn't it time for your plant to pay off its loan?"

"Mr. Chen, someone reported you for releasing pollutants illegally. We were asked to investigate."

"It's closing down?"

"Loan? The factory is going out of business, right?"

In the midst of all the chatter, the eyes of the reporters lit up, and they all gathered around.

Chen Ming furrowed his brows imperceptibly as he swept his gaze across the crowd.

He rolled up his sleeves and took out a crumpled document from his pocket.


Chen Ming had a gentle smile on his face, but his tone was extremely cold. 

"As far as I know, the loan repayment date for our plant is at the end of the month. It's only the 15th today."

The bank representative froze, before saying, "The situation is different now!"

"We were told that this processing plant was going to close down. We needed to make sure that we got our money back."

Chen Ming's expression did not change. 

"The situation is different now? As the representative of the bank, you believed the rumors and demanded the payment days before the repayment date. Is this reasonable?"

At this point, Chen Ming's lips curled up. His gaze was as sharp as an arrow as he looked at the bank representative. 

"Or did you receive benefits from someone to come here to pressure me?"

Hearing this, the bank representative's face changed.

Chen Ming smiled and turned to look at the young man beside him.

This person had come to interrogate them yesterday, and now he dared to come again?


Chen Ming paused for a moment. 

"If I'm not wrong, you're from the Linyuan garbage processing plant, right?" What are you doing at our place everyday?"

The man's eyes flickered. 

"Linyuan garbage processing plant? No, no, I just came over to take a look..."

Chen Ming rolled his eyes. 

"I grew up here, but I've never seen your face before!"

"If you have so much time, go back and develop your own business. Don't keep an eye on my plant like a weasel."

The man was stunned. Just as he was about to deny it, he realized that Chen Ming had already turned around. It was obvious that Chen Ming had no intention of listening to him.

What could he say?

He could not call himself a random passerby, could he?

Chen Ming nodded calmly and flipped open the document. 

"As far as I know, you appeared at my neighbors' houses yesterday and persuaded them to come over to force us to move."

"And last night, you had a meeting with our plant's employees and incited them to cause trouble and jump ship. Am I right?"

The man laughed dryly. 

"No... I was just making connections..."

Hearing this, Chen Ming smiled. 

"Do you need to spread rumors to make connections?"

"As for the rumors you circulated about our plant's illegal emissions and delayed wages, I've already called the police. They will be here soon."

As the man's expression turned uglier, Chen Ming looked at the troublemaking employees. 

"Don't even think about running away."

At this moment, the person from the Supervision Bureau, who was standing silently at the side, frowned in confusion. 


"Didn't they say that it was an illegal discharge of pollutants?"

If it was a rumor, that would mean that they had been played for fools.

Hearing this, Chen Ming smiled. 

"Please check to make sure that it's a rumor. Otherwise, if it happens again, you'll have to make another trip."

Under everyone's watchful eyes, Chen Ming opened the plant's main door and invited the Supervision Bureau officer in.

Outside the door, the people sent by the other company and the troublemaking staff looked at each other.

The police sirens were getting closer and closer, and their faces were getting uglier and uglier.

The reporters looked at each other. Some of them went in to report, while the others stayed outside to wait for the police's investigation results.

Chen Ming did not hide anything from the Supervision Bureau officer. He went through the processing line one by one for him to check.

Although the machine was old, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Pretty good."

The Supervision Bureau officer smiled in satisfaction as he ticked each of the boxes on his checklist. 

"It's indeed an old machine, but there are no problems with the emission!"

The few of them chatted and laughed as they walked over to the door. They happened to see the troublemakers outside being taken into police custody for investigation when they got there.

The young man from the rival company stood to the side and was being repeatedly questioned by the police.

Chen Ming snorted.

He had called the police because of the rumors. 

This was something that had made the headlines early in the morning, and was not something that could be explained away by calling it a misunderstanding.

Chen Ming smiled and said to the Supervision Bureau officer beside him, "Since you've already checked our plant, why not check the others?"

"We're not the only garbage processing plant in the city."

The Supervision Bureau officer looked pensive, and then nodded.

Surprise inspections were something that he was familiar with.

The young man's face turned pale. He was about to take out his phone to send a message when he was stopped by the police.

The police seized the man's phone and laptop in an instant, using the excuse of evidence collection.

Chen Ming smiled in satisfaction as he watched the cars drive away.

In the afternoon, Chen Ming had signed many orders.

[Ding! Congratulations! You have completed the hidden mission, "Order Surge". You have been rewarded with 10 tons of garbage processing quota. Please keep up the good work!]

Chen Ming's eyes lit up when he heard the system's voice.

He now had a quota of 12 tons!

Before doing anything else, Chen Ming turned around and walked to a garbage processing machine and started to process the garbage non-stop.

The inlet and outlet were constantly running, and countless materials were processed and sorted.

Suddenly, the phone in Chen Ming's pocket vibrated.

Chen Ming took out his phone and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Boss Chen, I was wrong."

The message was from the owner of the Linyuan garbage processing plant!

Chen Ming opened the news silently and his eyes lit up.

"Linyuan's garbage processing plant's emissions have exceeded the allowable standard. Their business has been temporarily suspended."

It was no wonder he had sent him a message to apologize. It turned out that he had been arrested for illegal emissions, and their main manager had been arrested for spreading rumors.

Before Chen Ming could laugh, Chen Zhao walked over.

"Well done, son!"

Chen Zhao had a happy smile on his face. 

His frustrations were now fully vented!

Hearing this, Chen Ming smiled. 

"Since Linyuan is no longer in business, perhaps it's time for them to change their name."

Chen Chao paused and suddenly smiled. 

"Okay, I'll go talk to them about the acquisition now."

His son was really bold!

Since his son wanted it, he would help him lower the price.

Chen Zhao chuckled, turned around, and went straight to the other garbage processing plant.

The two factories were not far from each other, so the acquisition was settled in less than half an hour.

Since their plant's emissions were in violation of the regulations, not only would it require money, but also manpower, to rectify it.

Moreover, with such a scandal, he would likely not be able to recover his capital in the future, so selling was the easier and wiser choice.

[Ding! The garbage processing has been completed. 10 tons of garbage has been processed.]

[Current yield: 511kg of metal, 400kg of usable plastics, 200kg of recycled fertilizer.]

[Ding! Congratulations! The host has processed 10 tons of garbage. The system has been upgraded. New materials will be unlocked for the next round of processing.]

[Ding! The energy polymer block has been unlocked. The next garbage processing will produce energy polymer blocks.]

Chen Ming's eyes lit up as he opened the detailed description page for the energy polymer block.

[Energy polymer block: Produced from the processing of Level 2 garbage. It can replace power sources such as electricity and provide energy.]

This was good stuff!

What were the problems with garbage processing right now?

Garbage was not properly sorted…

Too much waste could not be recycled…

The output was not high…

However, if the energy problems of society could be alleviated through garbage processing, it would be a step forward.

Chen Ming's eyes glowed. He looked at the remaining amount he had and started to experiment.

An hour later, a black solid object appeared from the outlet.