Appearing On The Show

"What should I do? I know you didn't plagiarize, but public opinion is leaning toward that foreigner. Will you be able to handle it?" Qin Qing asked worriedly.

Chen Ming did not show any signs of worry.

"It's fine. I'll take care of it." 

He gave Qin Qing a comforting look. 

"They're just clowns who are trying to slander me. They're not going to get the better of me."

As soon as Chen Ming finished his sentence, his phone on the table started vibrating.

The caller ID showed that it was Boss Wang.

'Ah, so he could not remain calm either," Chen Ming thought.

Qin Qing wanted to respond, but she chose to remain silent and not disturb Chen Ming.

Then, Chen Ming's fingers slid across the phone screen.

He unlocked the screen and picked up the call.

"Hello, Chen Ming. It's Old Wang!" 

As soon as the call connected, the other party's anxious voice came through. 

"The internet is saying that you plagiarized the technology. Have you seen the online discussion?"

"I don't think they're telling the truth, but you have to tell them the truth as soon as possible. Otherwise, it'll probably affect our business."

Boss Wang did not interrogate him angrily. However, Chen Ming could clearly sense that the other party was extremely anxious to know the truth.

Since there was no evidence, Chen Ming decided to let Boss Wang see it for himself.

Before he had the chance to explain it to the public, Chen Ming only gave him a perfunctory reply, "Boss Wang, don't worry. We're business partners. I won't cheat you."

These words did not admit that he had plagiarized, nor did they deny the rumors on the internet. They were so vague that Boss Wang, who was on the other end of the phone, almost fainted.

"Ah? Don't tell me you already have a way to deal with it?" Boss Wang asked again.

"Take a guess."

These two simple words frustrated Boss Wang to no end.

However, he did not want to stir the pot and could only grit his teeth and say, "My guess is that you didn't plagiarize. I'm right, aren't I?"

Chen Ming still did not give him a confirmation. He only chuckled.

"Then, please guess whether or not you're right."

After saying this, Chen Ming hung up the phone without another word and allowed Boss Wang's imagination to run wild.

"Don't worry too much." 

Chen Ming had noticed Qin Qing's worried expression while he was on the phone. As soon as he hung up, he immediately comforted her, "I won't let the truth be buried!"

"Since that foreigner accused me of plagiarism, I will make him pay the price."

Chen Ming's confident expression made Qin Qing pause for a moment.

After a while, she nodded mechanically.

She would try to believe in Chen Ming.

Thinking this, Qin Qing forced a smile.

"Alright, I'll support you."

Not long after Qin Qing left the office, Chen Ming received an invitation from an official show.

"Speak of the devil, and the devil will arrive."

 Chen Ming sighed.

The official show team had invited him on air to explain the matter regarding the energy polymer blocks, probably thinking to strike while the iron was hot, and earn a large number of views.

However, regardless of what their intentions were, this was a timely blessing for Chen Ming.

The most convenient way to resolve this matter and spread the truth was to do it on this show.

So, he typed a reply to the show team.

[I'll participate.]

[It's starting at 3 pm tomorrow, right? I won't be late.]

After he sent that simple response to the show team, the team immediately announced their invited guest.

[This Friday's show will feature the popular genius who has recently developed the energy polymer blocks! What kind of surprise will he bring us? Let's wait and see!]

Seeing this, Chen Ming checked the comments again.

Once the show team announced his participation, it would definitely cause a thousand ripples. Everyone would tune it to watch the show.

Just as Chen Ming predicted, the comments section had blown up.

[They invited a plagiarist? Are they stupid?]

[Who said that he plagiarized? You'd rather believe a foreigner with no evidence than our young genius?]

[Hey, hey, hey, you're calling him a genius? Don't you know who Chen Ming plagiarized? That's a famous energy research expert from overseas!]

[So what? Just because he's famous, you're so sure that our genius plagiarized?]

[Hmph, what's the fuss about? We'll know how good this genius is once he's on the show.]

[All lies will be revealed at that time. I hope that genius will fall.]

[Hahaha, +1! Do you really think he studied energy? What does he know? He's just a plagiarist.]

[I've already said that we should wait and see. Don't get slapped in the face if you're proven wrong.]


There were many different opinions, though most leaned on the side of the foreigner. Few people could believe that Chen Ming could achieve so much at such a young age.

Chen Ming sneered in front of his computer screen.

"Just wait and see!"


The show went on as promised.

While he was getting his makeup and hair done backstage, Chen Ming could sense all kinds of gazes directed toward him.

There were those who were doubtful, and those who were excited.

Chen Ming ignored all of them and focused on preparing for the show.

He had to make a good impression on the show.

"Next, let's welcome the young genius, Chen Ming!"

The host's excited voice was heard.

After adjusting his clothes and making sure that they were neat and tidy, Chen Ming slowly walked over to the recording studio.

"Everyone, please allow me to introduce this young genius."

"Chen Ming, you're so young, yet you've managed to develop the energy polymer block!"

"Our viewers might not have heard about the energy polymer blocks, so I'll give everyone a brief introduction.The energy blocks that Chen Ming developed can produce energy in the form of electricity and heat. They can be said to have a wide range of uses."


[This host is trash and spouting nonsense.]

[Don't they know that Chen Ming is a plagiarist?]


While the host was excitedly introducing the energy polymer blocks, the real-time comments flashed by on the screen.

Most of them were questioning Chen Ming.

Seeing this, Chen Ming took the opportunity to say, "Everyone, the energy polymer blocks are the result of my research. It's definitely not plagiarized. I hope that everyone will not be led astray."

A few simple words naturally would not be enough to convince the netizens, and Chen Ming was well aware of this.

[Where's the evidence?]

[Words are not proof!]

[You're not a plagiarist? What a joke! This is the funniest joke I've heard this year.]

The Comments screen was still filled with doubts regarding Chen Ming.

The host had never seen such a situation on the show. He hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to smooth things over.

Just as the host was in a bind a phone call request arrived that shocked everyone.

"It's a call request from Mr. Anthony!"

Someone in the audience suddenly shouted.

Anthony was the foreigner who had been "plagiarized".

In an instant, the venue and the internet were thrown into an uproar.