I can see it!

"Ah!" Sarah jumped when she heard Leon's order.

For one instant, she hesitated. And then, with a look of determination in her eyes, she moved on her knees a little bit closer, sitting on her heels while positioned right between Leon's knees.

She then pushed her upper body forward before closing her eyes, opening her mouth, and stretching out her tongue.

"Is tat got?' she mumbled, unable to properly spell with her mouth in such a weird and unnatural position.

"What are you..." Leon asked away, baffled by the girl's actions... Only to take a deep breath before slowly releasing it when he connected the dots.

This time, he didn't order the girl to back off. Instead, he reached out with his hand before pinching at the tip of the girl's tongue and then pulling it towards himself in one, swift move.

"Auch!" Sarah cried out loud, her reflexes taking over as she wrestled her tongue free and pulled herself to the back while closing her mouth and even covering it up with her hands.

She then threw a quick, angry look at someone whose trust was betrayed... Only for a terror to quickly take over her eyes.

"I'm so sorry..." she instantly started to apologize...

Only for Leon to burst out laughing.

"Hahaha..." he couldn't stop himself, amused by the girl's innocent and extremely natural reactions.

After years spent with a mask on his face and surrounded by people who never revealed their true colors, seeing the girl act like this was akin to a breath of fresh air in his life.

"I'm sorry," Leon apologized while wiping the tears of joy from the corners of his eyes. "It was stronger than me," he admitted, grabbing himself by his stomach as his body continued to convulse to the rhythm of his laughter.

"You are... not angry?" Sarah asked, raising her suspicion-filled eyes on Leon's face while still keeping her hands above her mouth.

"No, not at all," Leon assured the girl before finally taking the reins of his join and regaining proper focus. "I only need you to kneel down as you do. Oh right, give me your hands as well," he then ordered the girl.

"Like that?" Sarah raised her hands as if she was inviting him to some sort of intimate dance.

"Exactly like that," Leon replied, sneaking his own hands underneath Sarah's before using his thumbs to push her palms down on his own. "Oh, you might want to close your eyes to cut off all the distractions," he advised before lowering his eyelids and putting himself in a semi-meditative state.

'Humans perceive magic through the particle theorem because that's how their perception of matter is formed,' Leon thought, recalling the words of one of the very figures of authority he had in his former life. Despite how old this memory was, it was so vivid Leon could almost see the old man talking in front of his closed eyes. 'The truth is, though, magic's true form is closer to the corpuscular form of light. Yet, due to how used everyone is to perceive atoms through the graphics in the schoolbooks, we all grow unable to see magic for what it truly is.'

This was the reason why hearing Sarah talk about currents and colors made Leon freeze in shock. Even though he didn't allow this shock to appear on his face, he ended up initially unable to react at all only to then fail in restraining his own excitement.

'I don't know if it will work at all, but there is nothing wrong with trying,' he thought, before reaching out for the very energy that he refined some time ago and kept safe in his stomach.

"Try to feel the change," Leon whispered in a monotone, hypnotic voice.

And then, he pushed a silver of his recently obtained energy from his stomach to his bloodstream. Then, from his blood to his hands and later palms... only to then gently infuse it from his right hand into Sarah's flesh while at the same time using mana to attract mana in his left hand.

"Ah!" Sarah released a small moan only to suddenly suck on air and stick her chest out and her head up. Her body then tensed up as the unfamiliar sensation coursed through her body all the way to the point where it traversed through her torso and ended up returning to Leon's flesh through his left hand.

"Focus on this feeling," Leon gently guided the girl while circulating his energy from one hand to another, keeping the flow that Sarah was now a part of. "Keep your eyes closed," he ordered while opening his own eyes.

The task was so simple that once it started, Leon didn't need to focus on it at all. Yet, for a girl who had never known the taste of mana before in her life focus was something she desperately needed.

"I can feel it..." the girl whispered.

Then, the muscles on her face moved a little as if she opened her eyes, yet, her eyelids remained lowered shut.

"I..." Sarah opened her mouth only to leave it parted. "I can see it!"