Hint of respect

"This guy…" Leon muttered under his nose as he glanced over his shoulder back at the mercenary leader.

It took Leynel only a few moments after Leon escaped into the darkness to start a conversation with Natalye. And judging from the rapidly changing moods on both of them as their discussion prolonged, Leon could pretty much guess was the two of them were discussing.

'I guess I will really have to go through with an identity change,' he thought, squinting his eyes before turning around and leaving the direct vicinity of the gathering.

'While there should be no problem with the two of them exchanging information about me, I can't build anything on the basis of the persona I formed so far,' Leon decided as he walked back towards the mercenary camp.

'Or maybe I should just ditch them and go on my own from here and out?' A sudden idea popped up in Leon's head, forcing him to stop in the middle of nowhere.