A method to avoid arguments between customers (slight r18)

"Did you really have to go that hard on the poor guy?" the spy asked with a slight hint of dissatisfaction in his voice as soon as the rude host left the proximity of their spot.

"Are you for real now?" Leon asked with his eyebrows skyrocketing on his forehead. "He was so rude… And isn't this place supposed to be the most expensive brothel in the city?" the bloodmancer argued. "I think we deserve a better level of service than the scorn and low-key ridicule this guy has offered us!"

'We are the damn clients, paying clients!' Leon thought, allowing the standards of his home world to influence his thoughts a bit. 'How could they expect us to pay big bucks if that's the sort of treatment they are offering?'

"That's certainly the case," a new, soft voice agreed with Leon's stance.

The voice belonged to a classy-looking girl in a long, silky dress. She looked to be around thirty years old and perfectly aware of how to make all the perks her age offered into her strengths.