Beacon plans

"What the fuck is going on?" Gustav hollered.

Although he was all in one piece, it was hard to ignore how terrifying this situation was! Sure the little demons sliced deep enough in his skin, to keep him from flying off, but survival alone didn't feel rewarding enough!

The furry creatures hissed along with him, and seemingly urged to find any target to torment! Their need wasn't met, as Gustav sought comfort rather than conflict.

Likewise he requested, "Be quiet, I can't hear myself think!"

They behaved immediately, and in the meantime their father tried to make sense of everything. A moment later, he noticed that one of these crimson stick-aliens was eager to cooperate.

The same one that he talked to just moments ago, had survived that explosive attack!

From the looks of it, its pointy legs aided to grasp the corridor's walls, as other-worldly strength was packed on those short limbs! Anyway, that was not the point.

"Please, tell me that we're not gonna die... What happened?" Gustav called out, and tried to ignore his own several bloody wounds.

"You're not going to die," It emphasized the first word, and ignored the last question.

Facing the opposite way afterwards, it guided. "Follow me please, I'll lead you to our escape-pods. We landed in the ocean, I'm pretty sure you're not built to breathe underwater... Erg, so you have to get out of here before it's too late! We'll hope that there's some land nearby."

Although this situation sounded mad scary, the little alien spoke rather casually. Such a hint worried Gustav even more, but he wanted to live so there was no choice but to follow along!

While they dashed across the large corridor however, he had to ask. "You're not telling me something, man. I hope you're a man, but anyway; Who hit us?"

"Worry about that later, I have to get you out of here first." It stubbornly insisted.

It sounded stupid to debate about information now, as time was running out. The best idea was to just blindly follow along!

Eventually they entered a snug room, it shared the same silver texture this entire place had. At the other end of this room, was a little metal door which could barely fit one guest through.

"Get in there, you folks will have to squeeze in a little." The alien guided, hastily.

Gustav tried to hustle right in the pod, but it proved difficult. This thing was clearly designed for other, tinier lifeforms!

The big man had to curl himself into a ball, just to help these demons fit in as well. Thankfully he wasn't in his hairy, mammoth-like form right now, or it would've been absolutely impossible to squeeze in.

In the meantime the same galactic guide who led them here, had disappeared for a whole minute. Water had broken through the space-ship, and made its way to this room already so every second was precious!

It thankfully returned just a few seconds later, and it carried some item which solely resembled a sharp, and thin needle. Without much consent, the alien bashed the metallic jab on Gustav's skin, and unleashed some odd liquid in his blood-stream!

"Here is the deal," It finally spoke out.

After a second of silence, three short words were emphasized. "You must live..."

"No shit," He followed along.

Through what sounded like a few heavy breaths, the alien described. "Your world's people didn't attack us, some aliens did. We don't know who, but a race went far enough to attack us, just to get to you. Although me and my friends will drown now, we must not be silenced under any circumstances!"

For once, Gustav could wholly understand a complex sentence. Intelligence felt odd to bear, but he could already guess that there was an explanation at hand, so it was best to listen for now!

Appreciating such silence, the other continued. "I just launched a swarm of computerized brain-cells in you, they should eventually give you all the information you need to create a beacon. I also gave you an amplified formula, which will sky-rocket your intelligence in under a month!"

"Use everything wisely, signal the Terranidan Empire! Get them here and tell them what happened, they'll know what to do." It weighed in.

Without a warning whatsoever, the alien tapped a button afterwards, and closed the escape pod's small door. The tremendously snug structure proved troublesome once more, as it bashed Gustav against the back of his head, and knocked him out cold!

As they were suddenly launched towards the sky, the little demons which were on his lap, weeped for their father. They didn't care what happened or what came next!


Numerous definitions of pain, was something that Gustav grew accustomed to. The battles he had in his huge home island, felt pale in comparison to what traumatic experiences he faced, all thanks to those faulty guts!

He felt abused and mistreated, so it was fair to say that he had enough reasons to complain. It seemed that life still had a few punches to throw, and death was far away regardless of the dangerous circumstances.  

"Don't tell me I have to swim... last time my balls almost froze off." He mumbled, and slowly got up to peek at the surroundings. 

The escape-pod's door was wide open now, as it might have been programmed to do so. It was advantageous either way, as he had enough space to breathe now, and could use the pea-shaped contraption like a little boat.

"Oh that's weird, there's no ice around here." He realized.

Back at home, the average temperature was usually below freezing, so any little adventure related to pools of water was risky, even for his hairy kind. With that considered, it was easy to predict that he hesitated to leap into the ocean now, but the conditions here did prove appealing.

Gustav slowly felt how the weather around here was much warmer, it was odd but refreshing at the same time. What wholly tempted him to jump in the ocean, was the fact that a piece of land was only a hundred meters away!

It made him question, "Land? That's... very lucky but it can't be home, my home is probably on a different land. There should be many more islands, that stick-ass said something about planets? Whatever those are."

As he sunk towards that wave of contemplation, the little demons which circled within the pod suddenly began to hiss. Unlike most times however, they managed to muster out a single word!

"Land! Land!" They spoke all together, and each of them seemed aware of what that word meant.

"You like land, ha?" Gustav asked as he peeked down, the creatures nodded in agreement.

Considering everything that had happened so far, he wasn't so scared anymore. This day had been far more traumatizing than anything he ever experienced, so it was difficult to be scared of these devilish creatures, who somewhat worshiped him too!

In response to their cute little nods, he leaped out of the escape-pod, and slowly pushed the contraption across the sea. Some muscle-work was necessary, but it was nothing for a mammoth-man. It actually was trickier to handle these new waters, while being butt-naked!

Through his slow paddles however, Gustav couldn't help thinking. "What the hell is a beacon? I still don't understand crap! Maybe I need some funny-looking stone or whatever... Maybe these furry bastards know something? They've been awake longer than me!"

"I can make some kinda deal with them, we have to work together." He finally decided.