Rhinoceros women, not so straight

They accepted this great owl in the village, but this had to be the most morally conflicting thing for everyone involved. Andena simply was too beautiful, and astounding!

The guard ladies who helped her dress up, perhaps had the most fun. They could squeeze wherever they wanted, tighten their palms on soft spots when it was necessary, and simply had a lot of fun watching those couple of breasts jiggle around!

Extra large clothes were necessary, just to cover those things up properly. As for an armour, it was practically impossible to put one on Andena, as no chest metal bent that much around here.

"Guess we're all women, right? So it's okay." A guard quietly told herself, as she got overly-excited by the thought of the newcomer's breasts.

She got a squeeze while helping, and had felt weird ever since. Sexualities started getting questioned, and a couple of ladies even wished they had a personal penis, just to mate with Andena!

Andena seemed very neutral too, like she's been through all of this before. When she noticed that one of the ladies was getting sexual, she returned the favour which got them squeaking around in excitement!

Anyway, even though it was a battle both morally and physically, they finally got her all dressed up.

Noticing that she got everyone's attention, Andena decided to state. "Ladies, and men… I think there was a man here? No matter, I encourage you ladies to explore one another if you want to. It may be shunned upon, but all you need is willingness, from both you and any favored lady. The whole settlement doesn't have to know what you do in bed."

The guards fumed a bit when their desires were expressed so verbally by someone else, so they took a while to reply. Most of them developed a red patch across their faces, but one of them finally mustered up a few words.

"This may sound weird, but we never felt this before." The guard said.

"Barely felt it," Another one corrected.

"Well, you just have to develop what you feel. I can see that some of you want more than a naked beauty, so try experimenting with one another." Andena said, and touched quite a few ladies through their rhinoceros chests this time, rather than just over it.

She left them to mutter things over afterwards, as there were other things to do. Gustav waited for her and Arila in the other room, as unfortunately, only the ladies here could have all the fun.

He was a bit worked up because of that, mostly because he had an up close look of the brown-skinned newcomer before, and wouldn't mind doing it again. This was morally conflicting because it felt like cheating, but it's not like Arila hadn't juggled the same woman's boobs already; She wasn't innocent.

Anyway, they aimed to visit that newly dug tunnel now, as Andena promised to help. They didn't yet know how she could do anything, but perhaps a twelve-foot tall mystical beast would find a way.

They made it to the tunnels, and it felt a bit annoying to walk back here, especially for Gustav who was on the shores just a few hours ago. At least they had a solid motive now, so the irritance felt worthwhile.

Since Arila could join this little quest, there was no point in pushing it for another day. Although her wounds hadn't healed, she seemed a lot more powerful today in a bleak comparison; All that meat she ate, surely helped pump some new blood in her veins.

Sure she might not be able to swing a sword, but that shouldn't be necessary in these tunnels. If trouble arose, the demonic moles were here to help and the little rhinos might prove themselves as a distraction too. Anyway, while they walked here, the prime moral issue had developed beyond bounds. 

Gustav looked at the couple of ladies, and said. "Overheard your speech back there, and uh, I think your advice is valid for my lady."

"This is your lady, huh?" Andena asked.

She tried to latch Arila away in the meantime, as she had been oblivious towards personal space so far. With the excuse of being wounded and needing a bit more balance, she tied her arm around Andena's waist and rested her head on the couple of pillow-like breasts too!

It was somewhat fun for all involved, but now Andena asked a heavy question. "Are you saying that me and 'your lady' can get skin to skin? I know she wants to."

As casually as he could, Gustav answered. "Oh she wants to put her head in you, it's obvious. She can, I guess, but it's still pretty weird."

Arila broke out of her oblivious state when she noticed what the topic was about, and then she frantically said. "Gussy, don't worry. She's just a girl, you're my best man forever."

Silence stretched after that point, because he just nodded along. He didn't hate the idea, and wouldn't mind if his lady had fun, but something didn't feel right and whole.

Andena noticed the issue from the beginning, but waited around for the other to muster up the courage. Since such expectations were yet to be met, she decided to break the ice.

"I think 'Gussy' has bigger worries. He wants to join, and only then he'll feel okay about this." She stated.

"Oh, he can, but it's your funeral." Arila said without a worry in the world, and for once Andena felt nervous around here.

This time around she even spoke softly, and said. "Maybe we should postpone our 'fun' then. The other owls I lived with were all women, so I'm still a virgin… very old virgin."

The lack of illumination was both the main feature and problem when anyone went in a tunnel. It was difficult to walk through it, even on this occasion where there was only one, singular tunnel.

They brought a few torches to counter the darkness, and could only hope that they wouldn't lose them like last time. 

Anyway, after they walked about ten meters into the tunnel, Andena stopped on her spot and said. "Gas, there's gas in there."

"Is that a bad thing?" Gustav asked, and was rather oblivious.

"Only if you don't mind poisoning yourself, or blowing us all up." She said.

The torches they brought along, had to be tossed on the ground and stomped on. This tunnel wasn't fit for use, and at this point Gustav muttered over how the demonic moles survived.

They dug this whole thing up, but they were fine and healthy. It was absurd, but he wasn't well-informed enough to argue about this.

Andena on the other hand, was quick on her feet. She grabbed both people and dragged them out of the tunnel right away; The demons followed along of course.

Afterwards she said, "I think there's an easy way to get your ship. Give me your boom stick, the one you tried to kill me with."