Head with legs

Doors seemed weird, Gustav wasn't used to them. His first idea was to bash through the one that halted them now, but it wasn't so smart to head-bud a metallic door.

Thankfully the demonic rhinos had other ideas. They analyzed the door for a few seconds, and were convinced that they found a few weak spots.

With those little blasters that they started carrying around, the demons shot towards every corner of this barricade, several times. Of course they could let Gustav use the 'plasma-net blaster against this thing, but that wasn't so smart in terms of preserving whatever was inside.

"I heard a crack," Andena said, and then asked. "Is that good?"

"Should be," A demon answered.

Another sound followed along, but this one had a thick thud instead of an irritating crack. The thud shook everyone's hearts, and Gustav even backed away because he didn't want to get crushed!