
"My kids attracted you? I'll try not to take that the wrong way." Gustav said.

It was a bit irritating that the exchange of information stopped there. For the sake of preservation, they only shared a few words. In another way, this didn't exactly tame his overall paranoia.

This great owl that 'decided' to tag along on this journey, still seemed like a stranger and wasn't exactly harmless either. It was important to be cautious around her, so Gustav kept an eye out for hazards, and hoped to prevent them too.

He expected the other to be hostile, once it was confirmed that information in general was scarce. Instead of hostility, they further developed some common grounds instead.

The best solution was to direct their curiosity towards the terranidans, as those aliens likely had more information to share. After all, Andena's route was intertwined with Gustav's, because the aliens had an undeniable print across this planet.