Holy Gates

Within the next ten minutes, countless transformations had happened. Gustav could've counted the exact number of shifts, but he didn't bother to.

He focused more on the science within instead, and managed to capture a fraction of information! He barely knew what it meant, but was happy about it nonetheless.

"I knew it, a body can't hide within a body! Now this seems wrong too, because shape-shifting seems impossible now! At least, it's impossible with the science I just accumulated, okay this isn't making sense." He muttered incoherently.

No one else in close vicinity could understand what he was saying, even though each of these ladies were a part of the experiment. They were clueless, as they barely heard Gustav's original theories to begin with.

His perception had been that the burden of transformation, lied on unique flesh and bones, which either retracted or expanded on command. It was a reasonable guess, but it was not the case as all.