Illegal blast

It was unlikely for Tutan to cuss, and it wasn't for decency's sake either. Terranidans believed in efficiency, and cussing could be inefficient at times, except for now!

The collective rage breeded excitement, and when the laser shot out towards the sky, the team felt fantastic! 

Even though they were all inside, they could feel how explosive the laser-shot was! The unique, green glow of this blast made the flat-lands even greener, and anyone who had been within a hundred meters of proximity to the laser, would have felt like the sun had exploded!

Regardless, it did not matter if anyone went blind because of this shot. There was a medical room for a reason, which would help reverse blindness too, that is, if someone had been stupid enough to be near the laser when it went off.

The people have been warned several times about this. There was absolutely no reason to stay near the lasers out on the open fields, as there were pin-locked doors everywhere else!