Episode 3: A new home

Samara gently moved backwards and sat on the ground while the van kept moving to an unknown destination. She had a strange feeling with whatever that was taking place. Why would the government come after them? For the past years she has lived in the Upgrade orphanage, she hasn't heard a rumour of the government planning an attack or war with them.

She huddled her knees close to her chest and stared at a particular direction, her thoughts going wild and deep. After what seems like forever, she heard a creaking sound coming from the van as they took a turn.

She stood up immediately and peeped through the window, mouth slightly open as she stared at the surrounding while her heart race. There were tall trees all over the place and it seems so quiet like a graveyard, only the sound of a moving van could be heard.

"What is this place? Seems like we are out of the city." Emily spoke to no one in particular but Samara could also sense fear and nervousness in her voice.

Some of the kids stood up and move towards the empty windows that wasn't occupied. Suddenly, they sighted a big brown gate at the far end as the van drove towards it.

The van got closer and the driver pressed the horn, it was loud to the extend the kids had to placed a hand over their ears before they go deaf.

Immediately someone opened the gate and the van drove into the compound, Samara couldn't get a full view of the place because they were still inside the van. It driver drove to the left hand side and parked the van while the gate was being locked.

"Get down all of you!" The masked man commanded as she stood near the door. Emily was the first to boldly step out of the van and the other kids began to pick up the courage to follow her behind.

Samara had an eerie feeling about the place but she hopped out of the van too. She was the last person to step down from it and her eyes welcome the bright sun shining from above and she closed her eyes for a bit and took a deep breath.

She snapped them open and roamed her eyes around, searching for what would give her a clue on where they were but she found nothing.

The masked man glanced in-between the kids and whispered something under his breath before turning to face the two hefty men standing and obviously waiting for his command.

"Direct them to the hall, they are twenty four in number." The masked man which they were yet to know his name ordered and the two men bow their head before saying a word.

He began to head to the opposite direction but stopped on his track and faced them. "Welcome home!" He added before leaving.

Emily scoffed at his words and rolled her eyes. "This will never be my home," she said and dived her hands into her trousers.

"Let's move! That hall you see right there is where you need to head to." One of the men said to them and they began to drag their legs towards it.

Samara glanced between them and noticed fear on most of the kids faces, she was afraid too because she didn't know if they were actually heading for a better life or worst. And here they were, far from the place they all call home.

She ruffled her black long hair and fluttered her lashes as they match into the hall. Instantly, she heard noise coming from the hall, and it only means one thing. They aren't the only ones here. Were other kids brought here already? Are they the last set to arrive? She thought deeply.

Immediately they entered the hall, everyone inside turned and focused their gaze on them. Samara mouth went wide open as she pop her eyes in disbelieve.

"New arrivals yeah!" Someone yelled among the students standing and staring at them. They were more matured than them and looked like they have been here for a while. With no reason, Samara felt relieved instantly, she almost thought this was the end for them.

Before she could even think of anything else, a boy rushed towards them in speed, more like she was hallucinating but it was real. It wasn't up to a second when he got closer but there was inches seperating them.

"Was that his powers?" She thought but he jerked her out of her thoughts as he began to scanned their faces one after the other. He got close to Samara and she stepped back, finding what he was doing a little bit odd and disgusting.

He stood infront of her for a second while he gave her a hard glare for moving backwards. Then he moved, and stood infront of Vlad, then he said. "I think I like this one, he looks brave." And the hall was filled with laughter.

Samara noticed someone seated on a chair, and he turned to look into their direction when the laughter began. She wanted to get a full view of his face but couldn't and then she was interrupted.

Someone cleared his throat and walked into the hall through the front door. "Ben! How many times have I warned you to stop scaring others." The man who look like a priest said and fixed his intense gaze on the person called Ben.

"Sorry, Reverend Richard. I was just trying to make them feel at home." He utter and moved away from them.

"Reverend? What was he doing at the school of magic?" Samara whispered to herself in curiosity.

At that moment, the masked man walked in, while holding a paper in his hand. His concentration was on it as his eyes were fixed on the paper, he raised his head and roamed his eyes around the hall before uttering a word.

"Like I said earlier, welcome home. Your room number will be called out immediately, all you have to do is pay attention. I would give you some time to rest before tomorrow morning."

"What is going to happen tomorrow morning?" Emily asked curiously.

"Wait and see for yourself, brave one." The masked man voiced out but Samara felt her breathe quickened while her knees felt weak as fear took over her.

"Tomorrow? What would happen tomorrow?" She whispered in muffled breath and her heart skipped.