Episode 17: The game.

Immediately they entered the school premises, Samara noticed the whole place was calm. There was no sign of students moving around, nor did she hear any noise coming from the main hall.

It was as if Jake were reading her mind. He arched his brows and spared her a brief look. "Why is it so quiet?" He asked no one in particular.

"Jake! Samara! You can go in, I will continue the rest." Master Louis told them and they nodded.

Samara began to walk away, while Jake followed behind her. It wasn't a bad day at all, especially when she got to speak with Jake.

She smiled sheepishly and lowered her gaze to the ground as she kept walking. Then she peeped inside the hall and found no one.

"Where did they go to, for heaven's sake?" She whispered slowly.

"I have been curious too. Where did they all run to?" Jake added and inserted his hands into his trouser's pocket.

Samara roamed her eyes around the premises, hoping to see someone she knows. Suddenly, they heard footsteps behind them, and they reversed swiftly.

Samara let her mouth slightly open for a second. "Emily?" She whispered. Gosh! She had totally forgotten that there was someone like her on the planet.

Where has she been all this while, huh? And reality dawn on Samara that after the trial, Emily became sick due to the stress she went through.

She could remember what she looked like after stepping out of the woods, and Samara stifled the laughter that tried to find its way out of her lips.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. Are you feeling healthy and better now?" Samara asked and moved closer to her.

"Yeah! Thanks." Emily replied with that cold attitude of hers. She peeped behind Samara and stared at Jake from head to toe.

"Walking around with the school hot boy, huh? Now I see why you had to do your best to emerge as the winner." Emily voiced out in a serious tone and Samara scoffed.

"Here we go again. I thought the sickness was going to change your perspective and manners, but no, you're still the same person I know. I'm glad you didn't die in the woods." Samara fired and Emily gasped.

Jake chuckled and bent his head. Emily tried to brush off what Samara said to her and walked past her.

"Hey, I wish I don't have to ask you, but do you have any idea where the other students are?" Samara asked with a worried look on her face.

"Yes, I heard there is a place called the basement. Most of them are there, while some left for their rooms." Emily spoke with a shrug before leaving.

"Basement? Do we have a basement inside the school?" Samara questioned curiously, hoping Jake would reply to that.

"Yes, it is around the dinning hall. Do you want to see for yourself?" Jake inquired, and she turned to look at him before nodding.

They headed for the basement, while passing through the dining hall, and they got to a door Samara had no idea was existing. Jake pulled the handle and the door made a creaky sound before it went open.

Immediately they entered, they could hear noises coming out from the basement. They step into the room and Samara gasp with the sight in front of her.

Jeez! The students were much, and she tried to glance around if she could recognize anyone.

"Stay here, I will be back." Jake whispered into her ears and she nodded.

She gave the room a quick glance, and then she noticed some cups on the floor while two of the students were kissing.

Heavens! Was that allowed inside the school? She felt master Louis was a very serious-minded person and won't tolerate relationships inside the school.

Nita saw the moment she stepped inside with Jake, and she felt anger rushing through her veins. Who does Samara think she is, huh? She isn't the main student leader yet, and she was getting all the love already? She thought and became more furious.

Nita stood up from her seat to meet Samara when suddenly, she sighted Bella walking towards her and pulling her into a hug.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, but decided to sit back. She would want to confront Samara alone because Bella was definitely going to take the fight for her.

Furthermore, she bent her head and tried to calm her rage. There and then, someone clapped, and their attention turned to him.

"Who wants to play a game?" Ben yelled and Samara resisted the urge to shout "no one" she disliked his guts and everything.

He was a total bully, and that doesn't make him strong or admirable. Then a thought flowed inside her head and she decided to look around if Vlad was there too, but she couldn't find him, and she guessed he must be in his room studying or sleeping.

She also had no idea why Jake wasn't back yet, and she felt disappointment wash through her and her face became a bit pale.

"Where did you go, huh?" Bella whispered into her ears.

"I went out with Master Louis. Sorry it was sudden, and I couldn't inform you." Samara yelled due to the noise in the room.

Bella nodded in an understanding way, and Samara smiled.

Instantly, Nita stood on her feet and clapped her hands loudly. "Let's play truth or dare. Any moment from now, Master Louis might come in. So, why don't we have fun, huh?" She yelled and the students clapped.

She was pleased with herself for convincing them and sat down on her seat stylishly.

Ben and a few of the guys began to set up the place and Samara stood by the side watching keenly.

After some minutes, they sat in circles, though Samara didn't want to participate, but she had no choice because everyone was eager to join.

Suddenly, Jake walked in through a back door. "Jeez! So many doors you can't even notice." Samara mumbled under her breath.

"We all know the rules of the game, right. I will ask you questions or make you do a dare. Once two people go for the truth, the next person has to go for a dare. Are we cool?" Nita asked in a high-pitched voice, and they nodded.

"Won't you join? It will be fun." Nita uttered while smiling sheepishly at Jake, and he pulled a chair and sat close by.

"You can start. Everyone is ready." A girl spoke and Nita cleared her throat a little.

"Who wants to start first, huh? Let's make it lively." She declared and crossed her legs.

"I will!" Ben voiced out with a smirk and rubbed his palms together.

"Truth or Dare?" Nita asked him while all eyes fell on him.

"Truth!" He whispered, and she played with the tip of her hair.

"What is your biggest childhood fear?" Nita inquired after cracking her brain for a question.

"Uhm… Well, I was terrified of darkness. I couldn't stay in a room without light." Ben uttered.

"Okay, unto the next person." Nita proclaimed, and a girl raised her hand.

"Truth or dare?" Nita queried and rested her eyes on Jake, who was looking at a different direction.

"Truth!" The girl mumbled, barely above a whisper.

"Alright. What is the first letter of your crush's name, huh?" Nita asked with a light smile displaying at the corners of her lips.

"Well…the name starts from J." She mumbled and lowered her head. Nita resisted the urge to scoff.

Seriously? She hoped the girl wasn't referring to Jake. If not, then she would have to make a few things clear to her.

And then the next person picked dare and Nita made the girl move around and told every boy in the room that she was in love with them. It was funny because she was damn shy about the whole thing.

Jake sat quietly and everyone was waiting for his turn. Nita was also eager for his turn. Well, she hoped it would be for her advantage when the time comes.

Two people went for "truth" and then it was time for another dare, but everyone was reluctant to go for it. "You guys are making it boring. Come on, who is going for a dare? Should I choose?" Nita added, and Jake raised his hand.

Nita smiled, and all eyes fell on him. "Dare." He uttered calmly, but his voice was like music to the ears.

"Jake! I dare you to pick a girl and kiss her." Nita voiced out immediately like she was waiting for him to pick dare.

All the students gasped, and the game was beginning to sound interesting. Deep down Nita hoped Jake was going to kiss her, besides she was his assistant and one of the pretty girls in the school.

Everyone stared keenly at him, and he roamed his eyes around the room while his face held a blank expression. One could hardly guess what was going on inside his head and then, he stood up.

Samara felt a twisted pain in her heart when she saw him looking at Nita's direction, but out of the blues she sighted him walking towards her direction.

Was he going to kiss her? Or was he coming for Bella? Of course, it would be Bella. She whispered sadly.

Suddenly, he stopped in front of them and bent close to Samara. For a moment, she felt as if she wasn't breathing well, her hands became sweaty out of nervousness.

"Can I?" He inquired in a low voice, and before she could say a word, he placed his succulent lips on hers and kissed her.

She froze, thinking of what to do at that moment. Was she supposed to kiss him back? Heavens! She has never kissed a boy before.

When he noticed her stiffness, he pulled away with a smile and pecked her on the lips while the students cheered.

Nita felt like going crazy, that wasn't how she thought things were going to turn out. She stared at Samara with an intense glare. If looks could kill, then Samara would have been dead already.

Samara couldn't raise her head up, she was shy and felt everyone's eyes were on her. But she also felt like beating herself up for not kissing him back. What if that was a one-time opportunity? Oh, you dumb girl! She cursed at herself.

"Someone is being noticed." Bella teased and Samara hit her slightly on the arm.

Suddenly, the back door went wide open, and Master Louis stood at the door, flicking his eyes from one person to another. "What in heaven's name is happening here?" He questioned strictly and everyone sprang on their feet.

"Sir…" Jake tried to speak, but master Louis raised his hand and he went shut.

"Move to your room. Right now. Every one of you," he yelled authoritatively, and they began to walk out of the room while some murmured.

"Jake. Meet me in my office." He ordered and left while Samara followed Bella behind as they walk out of the room too.

Samara smiled and touched her lips. Was she supposed to be grateful Nita held such game?

"Seems like you would want to take a picture of your lips and keep it by the side of your bed." Bella teased and Samara blushed like she just won a lottery.

"Let me be, Bella. Today seem like my birthday." She voiced out excitedly and Bella chuckled.