Chapter 32 - Smiling Spectre's Ghostly Saber [ Part 2]

The night's perpetual silence was broken by the scream of a female disciple as the blood of their now-deceased sect mate poured over her.

Her hands wiping at her face as she tried to rid herself of the blood.

The other disciples were startled as they never even saw his attack, only the shining gleam of the blade light.

"Everyone! FOCUS!!" A slightly larger male disciple said as he struck out.

[Azure Cloud Sword Dance 1st Movement: Piercing Cloud!]

An azure sword light repeatedly flashed out as his sword pierced maliciously towards Xiao LingYue's heart.

Xiao LingYue stepped forward as he swung his blade, the blade light flashing remarkably bright in stark contrast to the night.

[ Beguiling Ghost Blade's Second Movement: Ten Spectres Seduces The General ]



The step he took left multiple afterimages as they were all targeted by the Azure sword lights before he swept his blade along the disciple's neck.

Xiao LingYue calmly passed by him as blood sprayed and with a flick of his blade, the blood splattered onto the floor.

His blood-red slit-like eyes stared from amidst his now tussled hair, making him look like a crazed demon amid the night.

Fear gripped the hearts of the remaining three as one word rang aloud throughout their mind.


Their bodies leapt into the air as they all tried to flee in different directions!

Xiao LingYue sighed as he held his sword with a two-handed grip, he raised it upward.

The Demonic Apparition of the ivory-coloured fox mimicked his actions as it lifted its paw, and as they both struck downwards, the fox paw slowly melded into his hands and arm before continuing to fuse into him.

[Wrathful Wraith Stance]

[ Beguiling Ghost Blade's 3rd Movement: Hundred Phantoms Conquer The City!]

The image of the ghostly general reappeared as it seemed to imbue all of its hate and madness into its swing.

An unbelievably beautiful blade light illuminated the night like a shooting star, fleeting but awe-inspiring.

The furthest disciple was ecstatic, his Cloud Threading Agility Art was the best amongst his fellow disciples and he had figured he was out of reach of that crazed demon...

But as his foot landed on the roof, a line started from the tip of his head as it made its way down his body.


His eyesight slowly varied as his range of sight began to differ, his body separating as it slid against each other. . .

His forward momentum made his left half tumble haphazardly through the air as blood, bile and entrails splashed over the rooftops while his right side was left behind, slowly collapsing where it stood. . .

Blood, intestines and all sorts of bodily fluid splashed in every direction as the mutilated corpse fell to the roof before slowly sliding downwards and hitting the ground with a resounding thud.

Upon seeing this the other two disciples immediately froze as the female disciple began to gag, her stomach heaving as the contents from her stomach was ejected onto the floor and lower part of her robe.

Saliva mixed the contents of her stomach lined the edge of her mouth as she panted, her heart fear-stricken as she stared into those cold blood red eyes. . .

It felt like staring into the eyes of a venomous dragon that aimed to take and maim all life. . .

Her pupils shrunk to pin needles as she saw that the blade had risen once again.

The falling blade reflected upon her pupils as it seemed like the blade of an executioner, cleaving the lives of her sect mates with each swing.

When it fell she heard another blood-curdling screech to her right as her pupils moved to the origin of the sound, her body shaking and trembling as she didn't want to look but she couldn't help it . . .

She saw her other junior brother's head severed as only the diagonal cross-section of his head could be seen, his tongue hanging as it flapped trying to beg one last time for its life. . .

Before this nightmare-inducing corpse fell over...

Her mind rattled as she fell to her knees, her robe dirtied by the blood and bile in the surroundings, but she was so shaken her body couldn't even react.

She was like a deer staring into the eyes of a lion, fear completely took over her body as her muscles were like stone and her blood felt like thousand-year-old ice . . .

Her eyes looked fearfully towards this Night Terror posing as a disciple of the Blood Gate Cult. . .

'Why were the heavens so unfair'

She wondered as that would be the last thought she ever had as she too was cleaved by the beautiful blade light before splitting, the corpse falling face first into the entrails, blood and bile beneath her.

Her breath was forever lost. . .

* * * * * * * * *

Xiao LingYue furrowed his brow as he dispatched the last of these disciples, his mood completely soured as he looked to the distant corner of the street.

The body of the first disciple was no longer there as his eyes narrowed . . .

"I knew something was odd. . ." he muttered to himself as he stepped through the corpses before heading to a nearby inn.

The name of this inn was the Pheonix's Perch, a pretty well-known inn for the protection it gives to its inhabitants.

Upon stepping inside he was greeted by a jovial-looking old man.

"Good Night Sir, welcome to Phoenix's Perch, we currently have 5 rooms remaining, would I be able to interest you in one?" He rattled off as he bowed slightly.

Xiao LingYue nodded his head as he asked. "How much for a room?"

"1 Spirit Stone per night Sir." He smiled.

Xiao LingYue felt he was being taken advantage of due to the high price but he wasn't going to be here long so he tossed the spirit stone before heading into the room upstairs.

After checking the room to make sure it was safe, he calmed himself before he began cultivating.

As he held a spirit stone in each hand, the shadow of a fox tail appeared behind him as the absorption of Spiritual Qi vastly increased.

With such strong Spiritual Qi filling his body, his cultivation speed soared. He soon was able to open the 13th and 14th meridians as the Demonic Lotus leaves soon fell into them to begin their nourishment while the neidan frantically rotated to convert the Spiritual Qi to Demonic Qi before tempering his body.

This went on until morning as the sun began to slowly chase away the darkness of the night. . .