To plan a coup

I dragged my hand through my face as I remembered my conversation with Ainz. He couldn't have reached out to me at a worse time and now I told him I would go to the Carne Village with Neia. Now I had to make a valid excuse for my visit with her. Perhaps I could quicken up my little conquest with the devil-eyes maiden. I glanced over to Neia, whose face was a mess as I had jizzed all over it to her delight. At least, with the way her eyes had rolled back into her head and the bright smile on her face indicated as much. It made it seem like it was her cumshot and not mine.

She had collapsed and I had to heal her just in case so she didn't suffocate. I had been a bit harsh on her during the deepthroat. In my defense, I was used to the succubus who didn't need or want to breathe if it meant pleasuring me.

I shook my head before I went ahead and helped her into a position where she leaned against the cushion of the backrest. She was deep asleep after that little fiasco. My fingers got a bit sticky, so I presented them to Alyssa, who looked at them for a moment before she flushed.

She then put a strain of hair behind her ear before she put my fingers into her mouth, licking them clean while moving as if she was giving me a blowjob. Her eyes were fluttering as she licked it all up from between my fingers before moving onto my crotch.

Was it my fault for the scent my liquids gave off and what my presence brought out in women? No, they were at fault for being affected by it! Honestly, though, I was still figuring out the right dosage of my presence and allure I could release without every woman throwing themselves at my feet and passing out immediately for getting a whiff.

Just thinking about Enri who had passed out into a coma-inducing climax because of a sniff made me lament my fate. It had shown me the flaws of having my level of attraction and the sheer difference in power between potential mates and myself. Fortunately, I was already managing even if I still considered it a failure for having Neia cum her brains out for giving a blowjob. Oh, woe is me!

Though I wondered in what variety I could tweak the effects my sexual interactions had with them, especially if the level difference was high enough. Maybe I could them sensitive to other things and amplify certain sensations. Just thinking about Albedo forcing herself down my dick even despite suffocating just so she could please me, filled me with excitement and giddiness. Though I was sure she would do her absolute best.

Just as I finished my thought a [Gate] suddenly appeared in the middle of the carriage and out of it stepped my beautiful wife. Her black wings fluttered slightly as her gaze landed on me like an excited puppy. I pulled my fingers out of Alyssa, causing a little whine. "Lick Neia clean," I ordered, which she almost declined before catching herself. She went ahead and cleaned Neia, though I noticed that my human maid took several glances at Albedo, especially her wings.

She didn't know about our non-human side of things besides that we were exceptionally strong. Despite this, she was sensible enough to not utter her surprise and kept her astonishment as hidden as she could while going about her task.

Although this might cause an information leak if someone forced her to reveal something, since I had decided to use some people as test subjects to integrate them into my domain, she wouldn't be able to reveal anything even if she wanted to.

Of course, that didn't mean she should see my interaction with Albedo as my wife might not be comfortable with it. So, I quickly set up a barrier between the two sides of the carriage, making her unable to peek at what we were doing or hear anything we spoke about.

I idly stroked my still erect dick while looking at my beautiful wife, who wore her usual white dress, giving off an innocent feeling, so contrast to the lewd expression she usually showed me. "I was thinking about you," I said before she could greet me and made her take a seat beside me as she kept off the blush and tried her best not to stare at my best piece.

"Y-yes?" She asked with a gulp.

"Indeed, why else would I be still rock hard after getting a blowjob?" I asked and even if it was mostly to tease her, I wasn't saying it to deceive her.

"W-wha... T-thanks. Truly, you are hard thinking about me?" She asked, clasping her hands between her big tits, worried that she had misunderstood what I had implied.

"I wouldn't lie to you. Besides you are the throat G.O.A.T." I answered honestly. Fubuki and the others tried their best and they were exceptional, but until now no one had quite reached Albedo's level. Her instincts as a literal sex demon were a massive advantage.

"I am a throat goat?" She asked confused, tilting her head to one side, trying to dissect whether this was a compliment or not.

"Not a goat, but a G.O.A.T." I realized that she wouldn't be able to understand what that meant, so I explained it to her. "It's an acronym and it stands for 'greatest of all time'. With throat, I mean your blowjobs or deepthroats to be more precise. In other words, you are the best one giving head, or rather the one that I loved the most."

Her eyes, wide as saucers, stared at me stunned. Then her lips started quivering until she bit down on it, forcing it to stop. She took a shaky breath to gather herself. "...You saying this, means a lot to me." She finally managed to admit before she went to hug me and bury her face into my chest, rubbing her face into it like an excited cat.

I patted her back, not having thought about how it would affect her. "You good?" I asked carefully as her slight trembling slowly ceased.

"More than good." She muttered before looking up at me. "I love you." She said tenderly before straddling me. "I love you." She repeated before giving me a peck on the lips. "I love you so much." Giving me another peck before staring deep into my eyes. Her eyes gleamed with intensity as she studied my eyes in earnest.

For a moment, we just stared at each other in close proximity until she realized the closeness, causing her face to turn bright red. Not knowing what to do with her hands, she shyly touched her fingertips together.

"I-I can ride you if you want! No! Eh, I can give you one if you want- I mean what you love- you know a blowjob- eh deepthroat or I can eat your ass. Or maybe just a handjob-" She hastily stumbled over her words, making me chuckle at her shy attitude despite how lewd her words were.

"Don't worry, I just want to hug my wife... or do you Want to do something else?" I asked, making her head shake and her hands wave in refusal.

"PLEASE NO! S-sorry, I mean, no, I would love just hugging you- It's not just as in it's lesser. Actually, I prefer it- Not that I hate the sex- I love it!"

"Albedo, relax..." Her mouth shut before she could put her foot in her mouth even more than she already did. I hugged her, making her body instantly relax and melt into mine. "Just enjoy the moment. You don't need to explain yourself. Take a deep breath..." I took a deep breath as she did before exhaling with her.

She calmed down completely, allowing me to just chill and smell her scent. It was a familiar scent. A blend of floral and woody notes, initially rose petals until the fragrance deepened into a warm, delicate, and sweet aroma.

The scent lingered in my nose, subtle hints of jasmine, giving it a seductive touch. It was sensual, exotic, and absolutely intoxicating, something that directly pulled onto my desires. With every inhale, I couldn't help but bury my face into the nook of her neck. Even if I hadn't known what she looked like, I would have guessed that she was a beauty without competition, graceful and seductive just from her scent.

It wasn't the first time I had smelt it and it wouldn't be the last, but I still couldn't help myself but be enchanted by it. Though today it had a hint of something else or rather it was richer than before. I was able to really internalize it for what it was.

"Did I ever tell you that I really like your perfume?" I asked, causing her to shake her head negatively.

"No, you didn't... You can sniff me as long as you like. Even if you want to stay like this for a day or a month-"

"Thanks," I said, taking a deep breath only for her to shudder and I could hear her quietly moan into my ear as she suppressed her voice. "Did you change it recently?"

"N-no? I-I had forgotten to reapply it as I couldn't visit you on my lunch break." She muttered and I could tell that she was displeased to have been unable to come over during her break.

"Hm, really? I think it smells rather good today. I mean, you always smell good, but today it smells" Her shuddering body froze as she heard that.

"I had been imagining what we could do if I visited you after I finished my work, so my panties had gone through a little accident..." She admitted ashamed, making me hug her closer to me and take a deep sniff again before I lifted her up by the arms, making her stand on top of the seat, so her crotch was at head level. "E-eh, w-wait, i-its dirty."

"Nothing about you is dirty," I said before pushing my face into her dress at that place and sniffing again, causing her to tremble violently. Seeing her almost collapse, I held her up by pulling her butt toward me. Her hand landed on my head to support herself, though she remained careful as if to not mess up my hair.

We stayed like this, which made her get bolder or rather restless as she started to go through my hair, gently caressing it as she took deep breaths that were filled with desire. Oh, I could tell that she just wanted to go at it... though perhaps she wanted to just kiss or hug me as well if I put weight on her previous words. I gently pulled her back into my lap, squishing my dick against her butt.

Without prompting, she started kissing me. Her hands wandered across my chest and shoulders until they arrived at my neck before she pulled my head into her. Her tongue invaded my mouth, greedily seeking out mine. I matched her energy and enthusiasm, strongly kissing her back as my hands wandered down her sides before reaching their target. Her dress had openings on the sides, giving me direct access.

My fingers slipped inside and then underneath the slip, she was wearing before dragging my fingers between her puffy lips that were wet from excitement, though I pulled out quickly again. She took a deep breath as I gently separated from the kiss. She whined slightly from the separation and her expression screamed her yearning for my lips.

She looked so deeply in love, so infatuated... I decided to give her a little show as I put my wet fingers on my lips before liking them clean one by one. Her face flushed red and her smile turned almost maniacally in delight, her breathing quickened as her pupils turned heart-shaped.

I held up my fingers that were now wet with saliva in front of her, to which her wings started fluttering as she stared at it with wide eyes like she was seeing a treat. I pushed them into her mouth, which she readily and happily accepted. She closed her eyes as she started sucking on it. Her trembling and her blissful expression signified a little climax on her part.

Of course, the wetness I felt on my crotch had clarified how good she was feeling. It took her a moment before her energy calmed down again after the little orgasm. She then opened her eyes again and she turned red again- not in excitement or lust, but out of embarrassment.

"Couldn't hold it in, huh?" I asked as she said she had looked forward to meeting me the entire day.

"No, I couldn't." She admitted honestly. "I am sorry I came without you." Her tone was filled with guilt as if it was truly something bad.

"Don't be stupid, I love seeing you happy." My words didn't have the effect I had hoped for as she froze before tearing up. A moment of quiet tears rolled down her cheeks before she burst into a full-on cry as she hugged me with a desperate hold.

"I-I down't deserve yowuuu!" She hollered as her fingers dug into the shirt I was wearing.

"Oh, you do and you won't be able to get rid of me for the rest of your life." She continued to wail even stronger now as we held each other.

We continued to sit there in each other's arms as she slowly calmed down and then just rested quietly on my chest. "So..." I began to ask what had been on my mind since she had teleported to me. "... how were you able to teleport here? You shouldn't be able to know where we were on our journey, right?"

Her finger gently scratched the fabric of my shirt as she hesitated for a moment. "I had asked Edan to give me updates on where you were." As soon as she said that she closed her eyes as if she expected me to lash out and reprimand her.

"Huh. That makes sense." I simply stated, earning me a surprised look. I hadn't given Edan any tasks as of late, so he was defaulting to protecting me in the shadows. Though I was also guessing that he used this opportunity to wander around, perhaps even showing the wolf pups the ropes of hunting. Honestly, I had forgotten about the stealthy tiger.

"You're not mad?" She asked with barely a whisper.

"Not really. I mean I would have preferred if you had given me a notice beforehand. You usually call me prior to your visits, how come you didn't, now? Oh, is it official business?"

"... It's indeed some official business- well it wasn't an order by Ainz, but I think it would have been best to discuss this before I do something stupid since it would affect how the Great Tomb of Nazarick would operate in the future." She admitted, propping herself up so she could look me in the eyes properly as we talked.

"Go on then." I leaned into the seat, preparing myself to listen intently to her next words as she looked as serious as I rarely saw her.

"I heard that you are planning to visit Carne Village to meet up with Enri..." I nodded at her statement, wondering where this was going. She wasn't the jealous type as she already had the title of the head-wife secured.

"Indeed, I had promised it to her after all, though I am surprised how quickly news spread for you to have picked up on it." She smiled a bit embarrassed at that. As if the fact of her obsession regarding any news about me would be anything I hadn't known about.

"You are a sought-after man after all. You being close to home again, makes the maids and female populace of Nazarick rowdy." She coughed lightly. Despite this being true, it wasn't why she had thought this was important.

"I guess that makes sense. So, why did my visit create some 'not-official' business?" Her lips thinned as she hesitated for a moment.

"Your visit wasn't what had made me want to discuss it with you... It's you know... I heard that you have lured Ainz to the village." She concluded as her voice lowered to a whisper with the last sentence. Lured Ainz to the village? What?

"What?" I blurted out, dumbfounded.

She bit her lip as she watched my reaction. "All the others that might oppose you are far away and I could mobilize a small unit... Am I wrong? "

"...You tell me," I responded with a sigh. "I think I have told you that I didn't want to dethrone him."

"Yes, but-"

"No ifs, ands, or buts. I don't want to be Nazarick's King, Supreme Leader, or whatever. I am the prince of Nazarick and I want it to stay like that."

Her hands went to her lap as she clenched the fabric of her dress, bunching it up in her hands. She looked down, avoiding my gaze, and for a moment, silence reigned in the carriage. "What if Ainz leaves?" She quietly asks. "You would be better prepared to take over if he is able to teach and guide you when he is still here." She reasoned, but I could tell that wasn't the main reason, she wanted this to happen.

"That's not why you want me to start a coup," I accused without any doubt.

"No, it's not a coup-" She began, still staring at her hands.

"Look me in the eyes when you lie to me." My voice turned almost vicious as I said that, causing her to wince slightly. It even surprised me. "Are you seriously trying to make me believe that you think I would do a bad job if Ainz-sama wasn't around? No, you have full confidence in me, right? Don't sit here and lie to me... at least look me in the eyes when you try to deceive me."

She didn't move as she continued to hold onto her dress and with the force in her hands, I feared she would rip it apart soon. I sighed as she remained silent. "A misunderstanding had already caused the current state of our marriage, so just tell me-" Before I could finish, she abruptly stood up.

"What's so wrong about it?? Is it wrong for me to want to see you on the throne? Which wife doesn't want to see their husband succeed?! You deserve to sit at the top, you were created for this, and you are better than he is, better than any Supreme Being could ever be! Even when you suffered you stuck around unlike those fuckers." She hissed out with venom and the resentment, bitterness, and sadness in her tone were palpable.

"You would never abandon me." She choked as tears started rolling down her cheeks, tumbling onto the carpet that covered the wooden floor of the carriage. I stood up and held her strongly, pulling her in deeply to convey my feelings to her.

"No, I won't and Ainz-sama would never as well. I understand your concerns and I love the way you want the best for me. I know you care deeply for me, and I appreciate your support, but it's just not the path I want to take. Besides, you know I wouldn't want to hurt Ainz, right?"

"If you are king, we won't need to hurt him. We could just lock him up forever and you would never have to go through being abandoned again. You wouldn't need to pretend and could just speak your truth without fearing that he would recognize that you didn't need him." She said as her grip on me tightened, still wanting to convince me, gazing up at me with teary eyes. It was clear to me that she was projecting her abandonment issues onto me.

I didn't really care that they had left, but she had been hurt by it deeply and thought about a way to prevent something like this from happening again. Though, perhaps it didn't stem from the players quitting the game... maybe it was from my supposed neglect in our marriage.

What I also suspected was the fact she was misinterpreting my secrecy about growing stronger and using my items with my lie to Demiurge of pretending to be a bad leader so Ainz 'had a reason to stick around'. It seemed like I was perpetuating a misunderstanding by not cluing her in on all fronts.

"As I said, this isn't what I want and I would be more miserable if I were forced into the position of the leader of Nazarick. Though perhaps I should tell you... I do have a big secret, but I need you to just trust in me that it's not something bad. I will tell you everything after I finish my preparation. Can you do that?" I asked as I gently wiped away the tears with my thumb.

She reached up and laid a hand on mine as she leaned into my touch, "Of course, I trust you. I would give everything to you." She responded with full conviction despite not knowing what I was concretely talking about. I caressed her cheek before tightening my embrace around her as I pulled her head to my chest.

"Phew. I didn't expect such a heavy conversation when you came." I chuckled slightly, trying to lift up the solemn mood.

"I am sorry."

"Don't be. I am glad to have you worry about me. Just don't do something harsh even if an opportunity arises, alright?" She nodded, though I had to repeat myself of not wanting to be king. Perhaps I should reveal a tiny bit to ease her. I didn't need to reveal everything, but I could vaguely tell her my end goal. "In the future, I want you and all my other companions to travel the world and just live life to the fullest. No conquering or schemes and intrigue, besides the good and fun kind. Just a lot of dates, fucking, eating, while raising a family."

Her head snapped up to gaze at my face, her eyes wide and almost frantically looking into mine as if she wanted to see whether that was what I truly wanted. "R-really? A family with me? Children?" Her face blushed and her breathing got more rapid. Her eyes turned almost feral with desire.

At that moment, I thought about how this expression scared Ainz in the other timeline, to me it was just adorable. I nodded, "When I am ready, I will give you a few children." I wasn't going to think about how many I would have, as I would have more than one woman that would want children and I wasn't too keen on raising dozens of them...

"Anything else we need to clear up?" I asked as I sat down, pulling her into my lap. "Perhaps something you want to do?"

"Can I... sleep with you today." Usually, she would come over before I went to sleep to fuck and then leave once she woke up as she had work to do, mostly schemes on how to best conquer the countries around us, really boring stuff. Obviously, now she wasn't asking to get plowed, even if she had been quite thrilled about the idea of children just now. Perhaps it was because she knew she wouldn't get pregnant.

"Sure, is it comfortable like this?" I asked after I laid down with her curled up in my arms.

"Yes... it feels like home."

"Like home, huh? You know we could teleport to our house and sleep in our warm and cozy bed." I suggested as it would be just two teleports away.

"No, this is fine. You give me all the warmth and coziness I would ever need." She said as she closed her eyes. There were some strands of hair falling on her face, so I brushed them behind her horns and ears, leaving behind her beautiful and peaceful sleeping expression. "Drifted off already?" I asked myself. It must have been one exhausting conversation.

I cozied up next to her, unbothered that I was still naked down below, and dozed off.


After an hour of cuddling, Albedo opened her eyes. The barrier that separated the carriage into two was still there and apparently enlargened the carriage as well. Clearly, he had reshaped the space inside, even though he hadn't used any mp, divine energy, or even hp, at least not that she was able to see. With the detection magic, she couldn't see him casting anything. Perhaps, he had cast an illusion to deceive anyone trying to take a glimpse at his mana, but she doubted it.

He had willed it into existence and with the depth she could see in his eyes nowadays, she guessed that he was growing more powerful. She thought it was preparation to go to war and since no one in this world seemed to come close to their power, she believed Ainz was his target, but here he was reassuring her and clearly telling her that he had no intention of going after him and what was rightfully his.

It would have been a good opportunity, she had already made plans to lure away Lupusregina and Naberal, but it seemed like she didn't need to do anything. What did he need so much power for that he would even hide it and leave it out in the reports? He hadn't told her anything about it and honestly, it... it scared her. She just didn't know what he was planning.

She glanced up at his sleeping expression. It happened more often than not with her husband, but she just couldn't figure out what he was thinking. Which was ironic since he almost always told the truth.

She carefully turned around then reached up to brush over his lips with her finger. Every waking moment was spent on how to help her husband, how to please and love him. How to make sure his plans succeed and to give him everything he desired, but here she was unable to do or prepare anything as she couldn't understand what he was truly preparing for.

Was starting a family and traveling the world truly his desire? Oh, how wonderful it would be if their desires truly overlapped. If he truly wanted to be away from spending hours on conquering some country and instead fall asleep in each other's arms like they were doing now. She couldn't think of anything that she wanted more in any world.

However, what if he just said this because he knew that was something she desired more than anything? He obviously told her the truth, but there was obviously more to this entire situation, to his distance from her, while simultaneously inviting her and showering her with undeserved love. It seemed like he was protecting her from something, some knowledge that could put her in harm's way. Something that she just didn't and mustn't know about.

It hurt her that his maids obviously knew more about this and even Yuri seemed to be privy to some of it as they moved almost exclusively together, but she couldn't impose on his secret. He had told her not to and she would respect it even if it was hard not to try and help him in every way she could. In the end, the only thing she could do was love him and wait until he was ready to tell her everything.

She gave him a little goodnight kiss before burying her face into the nook of his neck and basking in his scent until morning.