It was a cold, moist, stormy night in Blackheart on August 31th, 2019. This was not the best end of the summer for Jake but, oh well. Jake was a quiet type of person, He kept to himself a lot but he did have a few friends. Everyone always thinks he's weird or doesn't like the way he dresses because they don't really understand what being emo really means. Being Emo doesn't mean he worships the devil or that he sacrifices animals like some diluted people think. It just means he likes to dress darker and listen to punk rock. There are a few other things that go with it but not anything extreme or life-threatening. His best friend moved last summer and this is the first time he's gone a whole summer without him. "Damn I wonder what Devan's up to" Jake thought to himself. He went to go grab his phone but then realized he must've left it in the basement earlier when he was doing laundry. He went downstairs only to find his Dad drunk as always ever since Mom left. "Mind if ya grab me another beer?" Jake's dad asked as he turned from the tv to look at Jake. Jake sighed "Yeah I guess." Jake walked to the refrigerator in the kitchen and opened it only to find absolutely nothing in it. Jake was puzzled because he had just been in there earlier to grab a quick snack and it was almost full. Jake joked "There's literally nothing in here dad what, did you eat the whole fridge or something?" His dad laughed and replied "well what the hell, looks like we'll have to go grocery shopping tomorrow or whenever the hell it stops storming out there so bad." Jake nodded and proceeded to walk to the basement door to find his phone. He opened the hard, creaky wooden door as slow as he could but it creaked louder than his dad snored. Jake never liked basements and this time was no different. He continued and started stepping on each long, old wooden step, each one creaking more than the last and then BAM!!! Jake ran up the stairs faster than the flash himself and slammed the door behind him just as his dad said "Jeez, sorry I just dropped my bottle on the floor." Jake sighed with relief but was also a little annoyed "god how dumb could I be thinking something could grab me" Jake thought to himself as he turned back around to go back into the basement. He went back down the Long, old wooden steps once more and started looking around for his phone. All he could see in the basement was the old furniture and decoration from their last apartment, back when mom was still around. There were also a few other things like the paint cans left over from when they moved in and a table full of tools that they used to. It's all dusty now and there must be more cobwebs than anything. AHH!! Jake screamed in horror as a large spider crawled up his leg, he swatted it away as it flew off into the distance somewhere. Jake was really scared of spiders and it showed. Then as Jake spanned through the room once more, he saw his phone flicker just for a second. "Finally" Jake whispered in relief as he went to go pick it up. Then just as he bent over to grab it JAB!!!! Right through his stomach, The adrenaline from it all was so much that Jake didn't even feel anything. He looked down to see what it was and screamed so loud that he even heard a piece of glass shatter behind him. All of this because right in front of him, right through his stomach was a huge, long spider claw with a bunch a little spikes in some places. It almost looked like something from the video game he played, what was that again? Oh yeah! The Entity. He screamed for his dad "Dad Help!" "Help me!!" but then he heard his snoring like usual and right then, right there, he knew he was doomed. He started to feel light headed just as he slid off of the spider claw and then, just before he saw what it was, he died.