12-Isabella's plan for Gwen Stacy

Isabella was squeezing Gwen's nipples until the end of class

Flash, on the other hand, can only stand by and watch with his dick strangely hard.

Although he is Isabella's servant, he continues to feel sexual attraction to beautiful girls like Gwen, although the greatest attraction is always Isabella.

Of course he took lots of pictures of Gwen sitting naked on Isabella's lap.

Soon the class ended and it was time for everyone to leave.

Isabella left school in the eyes of many students, she just smiled

her fame as a naughty teacher spread quickly, mainly thanks to the female students who were jealous and began to defame her.

Isabella didn't care at all, if the director called her, just enslave him


Gwen Stacy was on the subway

in his mind was the orders from Isabella, now she didn't wear the sweater anymore, she just wore the blue blouse and her student skirt, no panties or bra

her blue blouse had long sleeves and no neckline, her skirt wasn't too short so no one noticed anything

She took the cell phone and saw that she received 20 thousand dollars and smiled

"My lady is so kind" Gwen

This money was used to renovate her wardrobe with appropriate clothes.

Upon exiting the subway, she went directly to clothing stores.

Gwen chose the clothes as Isabella said, short skirts and shorts, low-cut blouses and low-cut and short dresses.

Gwen whenever she wore new clothes in the fitting room, she took a picture and sent it to the private group that Isabella created on a social network

the group had only 3 people, Isabella, Flash and Gwen, it was the place chosen to share photos and videos that Flash took

Isabella decided to create this group for two reasons, first she plans to add all her slaves to the group and make it easier to issue orders and second to share her recorded naughty things

Gwen wore a strangely short blue skirt and a tight white blouse with a low neckline, any wind could lift her skirt and show her beautiful white ass, her medium sized breasts looked more seductive in th

"Lady look how I dress" Gwen typed into the group with her photo attached

"Very beautiful, now go out on the street to your work, then tell me how it feels to be appreciated by the eyes of men on the street" Isabella typed

"Yes ma'am" Gwen

"Also, don't forget, try to seduce Norman Osborn or his son, or both at once hehehe" Isabella

Gwen Stacy works at osborn industries, of course Isabella wouldn't miss the chance


Gwen walked down the street holding her shopping bags, her beautiful legs in high heels seemed to parade

Her breasts swayed when walking and made her very sensual, her extremely short skirt drew too much attention.

Gwen felt the gazes of dozens of men wherever she went, and several of them were trying to seduce her.

'Miss is right, this feeling of being desired is incredible' Gwen thought

As she walked a wind lifted her short skirt, her beautiful white bunca appeared for a second.

"Wow, what a delicious white ass" a black man said aloud

Gwen ignored it and kept walking, but this situation made her full of lust.

Soon Gwen arrived at the Osborn Industry and her plan to seduce the boss began.