Battle of The Past Souls (2)


The clacking of bones slamming against the floor resounded throughout the massive room, and as the minotaur glanced at us, the skeletons charging past me froze.

Its large and threatening presence reignited a small dose of PTSD from the battle they had previously undergone.

They paused and couldn't move, as if the minotaur was using some kind of skill to freeze them in place… but nothing was active.

"CHARGEEEEEE!" I shouted, and the skeletons pushed back their traumatic past, circling around the massive monster which swung its axe with heavy and large hits.

A minotaur AOE is incredibly good, especially because of the massive weapons that they usually carry, but as its movement was restricted by the flying bones and its sight began to get blinded by the chalky bone dust, we slowly took over the flow of the battle… or so we thought.


The minotaur unleashed a massive roar that was strong enough to push us back with the wind of its very powerful voice.

The room shook around us as we were slightly stunned as a side effect of the monster's skill, though as soon as I picked myself back up and the skeletons felt my determination, we all began to move again.

"HOLD ITS LEGS DOWN!" I shouted, and as the skeletons all charged once again, some being torn by the massive axe, the flow of the battle seriously, this time, shifted in our favor.

The minotaur was slowly overwhelmed by the massive amounts of skeletons that charged past me, but it seemed it slowly figured out the reason for the sudden shift in battle.

Its glowing red eyes locked onto me, and its bloodthirsty aura scraped the back of my spine, sending shivers down my entire skeletal system.

Suddenly, it threw its axe at me, forcing me to jump and roll out of the way, eradicating some of the skeletons surrounding me.

If I could, I would've been heavy breaths as I nearly died, but I didn't have time to try and reflect on what I would've done if I was alive as the minotaur launched into the air and flew right above me.

The massive hooves of my enemy nearly crushed me as I rolled out of the way once again, only to be slammed by the minotaurs the following attack.

Its hand slapped me across the room, cracking all of my bones in an instant and nearly shattering them to dust.

This time, unlike all of the other times I was disassembled, my health points finally fell, making me a bit more nervous as the skeletons still attempted to tear through the minotaur's tough flesh and hair.

"DON'T MIND ME! JUST KEEP FIGHTING!" I shouted, and the few skeletons who attempted to check up on me slowly took a step back before running back toward the minotaur… who was suddenly in the air again.

I immediately picked myself up and out of the way, not stopping to look back as I felt a gust of wind attempt to swat me away.

"Dammit… I can't activate it just yet. I need it to enter its second phase… shit… EVERYBODY CLIMB UP IT AND DESTROY ITS EYES!" I shouted at the top of my non-existent lungs, causing my voice to echo through the chambers of this seemingly final boss battle.

The skeletons surrounding me all nodded before clearing the area of effect from the minotaur's third jump.

It tore through the air before landing just where I had been standing, and this time, I couldn't escape the range of its swat, so I quickly ducked down, just barely dodging the attack.

I saw the skeletons around me get sent flying from the wind of the beast's swat, but just as its hand landed on the ground to help it stand up once again, the skeletons climbed up it.

Even as the minotaur tried to slap them off its arm like flies, more and more began to climb up it, eventually some even daring to climb its torso.

It was soon overwhelming, like putting your hand into the nest of a fire ant, being punched, torn, and grabbed at each limb.

Eventually, the skeletons reached the head of this beast and punched its massive eyes, causing it to cry out in pain while swinging wildly.


Jumping out of the range of its wild swing, I managed to regather my panicked thoughts and waited for the thing to enter its second phase.

But now, even when it does, it won't be able to see as its eyes had swollen so much that they were about to pop.

There was no way it could see as of now, and since we were all skeletons who had practically the same smell, it wouldn't be able to point me out from the crowd of other skeletons.

"Huh? What?"

Suddenly, my vision flickered, encapsulating the skeletons in front of me with flesh and then armor, only for it to return to their expressionless yet skeletal system.

It flickered yet again, and this time I could see their expressions of rage and each muscle of theirs tense to do as much damage as possible.


My orders traveled through the crowd and the skeletons all quickly followed my threatening words just in time as the minotaur slumped slightly.

Its posture broke as it stumbled back but was then wrapped in a thick red aura, strong enough to block any kind of blade.

"Geez… what a terrifying mob," I muttered before placing my hand on the ground and locking onto the minotaurs shadow.

The skeletons already clinging to it were soon ripped off, and the ones near the base of the monster were kicked and eradicated until only dust remained.

Its axe flew past me, nearly ripping off my right arm, and then returned to its rightful place… inside the palm of this beast before me.