
"The darkness that blots out the sun,"

The man squinted his beady eyes towards me before twisting the lock on the metal door with his own hands and opening it, revealing the black market with several shops already open.

It was very cramped in there, but at the same, there were only seven other people shopping around without masks, of course.

"Hey! Look who isn't dead!" One of the men sitting at a stall filled to the brim with illegal magical weapons shouted, gathering the attention of everybody else towards me.

Their cold eyes locked onto me, and as the man reached out for a handshake, I twisted his index finger, causing him to flinch from the pain.

"Will you shut the hell up for a moment?" I muttered before heaving the sack of eyeballs onto the stand's counter and unraveling the bag.

The eyeballs all poured out, and the man's mouth before me widened into a large grin that grew the attention of everybody else in this cramped market.

"All of you, piss off! This is my client!" The man shouted before wiping away the shadows covering the pillow case and wrapping the entire thing back up before heaving it behind his stand.

He reached under his counter for a moment after bringing the sack to his side and then pulled out three sacks of gold coins.

"Thirty gold pieces," He muttered, and as his expression went serious, I knew I had to retaliate quickly.

I placed my hands on the counter of the stand and glared at the man with my swirling black eyes, causing him to swallow a large drop of saliva.

"Fifty gold pieces,"

"Don't bullshit me," The man scoffed but after seeing how serious I was, he let out a long sighed and reached under his counter.


He pulled out a dagger that grazed my throat, but I didn't even flinch at the sight of the sharp blade as I knew he wouldn't do anything.

Even at my pitiful level and strength, I could still beat his ass since all he was, was just a puny black market trader.

"What? Come on… stab me. You already have my loot, so how about you go stab me and steal all that for yourselves? The man out there will clean my corpse up nicely," I muttered, caressing the blade with my soft hands and my face slowly approaching the merchant, who glared right back at me.

"Kukuku…. KAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! IT REALLY IS YOU! THERE IS NO WAY ANYBODY ELSE COULD IMITATE AN INSANE BITCH LIKE YOU!" He shouted before pulling out one more bag of gold and placing it on the table.


"I can't go any higher than that…." He muttered, but as I grabbed the blade with my left hand and slowly pushed it away, he sighed and reached back under his stand. "Fine, forty-five… deal?" He asked, flipping the blade back towards him and slipping it underneath the counter.

I shook his stretched-out hand and took all five bags, with one of them being smaller than the other.

This was enough to afford my rent which had been backed up for the past few months, and treat myself to some even better gear… how nice.

But, just as I was about to leave, the man called out to me once more.

"Hey! What's the secret to not dying!?" He jokingly shouted.

"I don't know… just don't die," I smirked, and the man smiled back as I exited the establishment, the reptilian eyes of those damn other merchants still glued onto me.

As I left the alleyway, I felt the eyes of another watcher caress the top of my head, so to try and lose him, I entered back into my apartment.

He couldn't follow me as soon as I was inside, and while I was at the front office, I paid off the rest of my debt and walked back to my room.

I was exhausted once again just from bargaining with that asshole… but it was nice to have somebody I could joke around with.

"I'll come back to him if I ever participate in black magic," I smiled to myself and waited a few hours until exiting my apartment complex.

Just as I had anticipated, the watcher wasn't following me anymore, so I started off the rest of my day by treating myself to some new armor and a new staff that wouldn't be as useless as the other one.

Just being something that will help me conjure my spells isn't enough… I need something that I could also use in close combat.

"Hmmm… Since I don't have [Sword Proficiency] anymore and I have [Dagger Proficiency], I might as well go for the magic daggers, right?" I muttered to myself before walking over to the very back where I found the enchanted daggers.

They weren't a commonly used weapon since assassins rarely even used magic, but since I was a combination of both, I might as well use it to my advantage.

"Ma'am, is that all?" The attendant asked, taking the twin magical long daggers that I had selected.

"Get me some light armor as well,"

"D-Didn't you just get some?" He stuttered but quickly shut his lips upon feeling my dangerous glare graze over him. "F-Forgive me… j-just follow me."

As I had a bigger budget this time, I treated myself to something that would protect me against the fire magic of that skeleton dungeon's boss.

"That will be twenty-seven gold, ma'am," The cashier said, and as I slowly let a tear of sadness drip from my eye, I handed over the money.

Most of my money was already gone now, but it was worth it… though seeing that amount of money gets drained almost instantly was heartbreaking.

I took a stroll around the city until night fell since I needed some time to get some fresh air and enjoy the city scenery.

The city was quite beautiful during the day, but at night it was almost a completely different place.

"Now… where should I hit up for dinner?"