Raid Selection and Practice

"For sure,"

Once again, he typed something into his keyboard, and then a new screen appeared, displaying all of the already existing raid team members with more information.

"It seems they don't have a mage… so this is perfect for you. I'll place you in it right now…"

"Wait," I stopped the man just before he proceeded, and I flipped the tablet back around to click on the leader. "Okay, he seems pretty experienced,"

"Yes… He's actually one of the best leaders in this city. He's a B-rank who helps with D-rank adventurers. He's also the founder of a charity that donates to help out E-rank adventurers struggling to get by,"

I knew he was trustworthy, so I immediately accepted the raid team and saw that the meet-up spot was just at the edge of the merchant camp.

"It's in a few days, so rest up as much as you want," The man said as he shook my hand.

I thanked him and swiftly left upon feeling a pair of eyes scratch the surface of my skin.

In order to lose the watcher, I slipped into a crowd and used [Stealth] to lower my presence, even more so when I slipped into a training facility where I could spar with other people.

For now, I needed to get used to the feeling of being proficient with daggers, as it was pretty different from when I used a sword.

"The public training area please," I requested at the front counter of the pure white facility bustling with activity.

"Down the left hallway, room five and gear one-hundred-fifty," The receptionist said before handing me a ticket and pulling the single gold coin back behind her desk.

Swiftly following her instructions, I found myself in another pure white room with a bunch of capsules used to enter a virtual reality where I could not only replicate my current skills and practice on my own but also fight other people in live time.

As soon as I lay down in the capsule, I felt the leather cushions absorb part of the stress in my body while the capsule hood slowly closed down on me.

A light white smoke filled the capsule and I felt my consciousness slowly drift off before I appeared in yet another pure white room.

Yet this time, it seemed to stretch endlessly with my fleshy form taking place in the very center of this expansive white plane.

"It's been a while since I used one of these things," I muttered before stretching both of my hands to make sure everything connected well.

Normally these things would synch with your brain waves yet it seems the fake brain I had created actually worked like a normal one.

"Hmmm… Seems like more money-making opportunities," I smiled while swiping up with my right hand and looking at the index of options to choose from.

From bottom to top, there was status, tournaments, duals, and then singleplayer, which I initially started off with.

Just to make sure I wouldn't embarrass myself, later on, I started off with a spar against the easiest NPC given.

A solid white man in front of me appeared, bouncing up and down to as if he was warming up and then summoning a single white sword that slid from out of his arm.

I equipped the pair of solid metal daggers in front of me before blocking the doll-like humanoid in front of me.

His downward swing was obvious enough to block with an X-shaped block, and then after sending his sword flying backward, I closed the distance between us and checked his shin kick with my own shin.

He felt the vibration get sent, shivering through his somehow comprehensibly skeletal system, causing a few seconds of paralysis.

As he stumbled back, stiff as a brick, I reached out my first hand to act as bait which the easy target immeidatley fell for, reaching out his sword to block my left swing and then finished him off by cutting his head off with my right dagger.

"Okay… and now… intermediate," I muttered before summoning a solid white man with a spear that extended to my throat.

I immeidately deflected it to the side upon feeling its bloodlust linger around my throat and after sending the blade flying away, I closed the distance yet again.

Being an assassin, you had to use your speed to your advantage while also using your nimble mind and body to create openings with your short blades.

As the man stumbled back, trying to reel his long spear in, I reached both of my blades out and stabbed them straight through the man's neck.

Instantly, the computer-generated enemy disappeared into the white void, and only then did I realize something.

"Shit… It's scaling to my own stats and power… Okay… then the advanced version should just be how I am right now, right?" I muttered to myself before scrolling down to the most advanced option, which was literally just labeled as: copy.


I deflected a single blade that was sent flying at me with a swift swing to the side, and upon locking eyes with the pure white woman in front of me, my body instinctually took a step back.


A blast of screaming white flames erupted from the paper void below, threatening to burn all of my flesh off with a single skill.

"Hmmm… Seems I forgot to flick off magic," I muttered to myself before just shrugging, as this was another good way to improve my skills.

Instead of matching the woman in front of me with the same skills, I instead kept to my melee fighting style and closed the distance between us.


As blades of shadow whistled past me, the woman began to slowly conjure a large fireball of screaming white flames that blended into the abyss of white around me.


The fireball was fast, and I just barely managed to duck out of the way before bending backward and kicking my feet up, sending the daggers in the woman's hand to be sent flying away.

Immediately, I closed the distance and then,