Raid: Den of Dire Wolves (1)

But let's just say I went to sleep completely satisfied that night.

The next morning I woke up pretty early to chug the potions that were meant to increase my stats.


[Name: Helu]

[Race: Undead]

[Class: Disciple of Smoke]

[Level: 9/20] (0/75) XP Needed

[HP: 23/25 MP: 25/25 SP: --/--]

[Strength: 7]

[Defense: 5]

[Magic: 7]

[Speed: 15]

[Skills: [Empower] [Haste] [Eagle Eye] [Darkness Manipulation] [Conjure of Darkness] [Stealth]

[Pentagram: [Hand of The Souls] [Soul Eater] [Soul Screaming Flames]

[Calvary of Smoke: [Smoke Magic]

[Passive Skills: [Undead Influence] [Dagger Proficiency]

"Pretty good," I licked my lips before picking up all of my bags of gold coins and traversing through the morning rush hour to buy myself a new set of gear, but this time, I didn't need to buy a new pair of daggers since I got some powerful new ones as a prize from the previous dungeon.

This time, the dungeon I was participating in was a C-rank dungeon where tons of evolved dire wolves, otherwise known as ravenous wolves, will be attempting to kill us.

Inside that dungeon is an artifact that respawns every time you enter the dungeon, but at the same time, this information isn't well known.

It's something kept within the circle of higher-power adventurers since death mages are something easily breedable if given the right motives… and artifacts that could potentially cause them to become an unstoppable force.

But, as soon as I arrived at the meeting point just outside the merchant camp, my jaw dropped, and I instantly let out a long groan.

"Helu~! You're finally here!"

"Ugh… Faye… Can't you just leave me alone?" I groaned but was too tired from just waking up to actually care about her.

I just pushed her to the side before sitting down on one of the logs serving as benches while we waited.

Most of the raid team was already here, and I think the max amount of people was about twenty-five, something very manageable for the man sitting right next to me.

"Are you the leader?" I asked the big and strong man holding a massive greatsword.

"Yes… Is there a question you need answering?" He politely responded, offering me some jerky which I quickly pushed denied.

"Yeah… Can I put in a request to have somebody kicked from the raid team?" I asked, completely serious.

"Unfortunately, we can't do that. The team has been perfectly crafted to cover up each other's weak points. But, if you don't like somebody, I can put you on the opposite side of the team since you are an assassin, after all. You won't be with the main group as much as the other roles,"

"That would be great," I smiled before looking at Faye, who sulked next to some of the friends she had brought along.

One was a swordsman, and the other was an archer who seemed kind of fed up with their complaints about Faye.

I'm sure they were tired of her venting…

As soon as Faye turned to look at me, I quickly shot my eyes away, but it seemed she wasn't done bugging me yet as she quickly approached me.

"Helu, how about we stick together? Since you're just a D-rank, I can protect y-"

I quickly sat up from the log I was on and bumped past her, telling her that pushing any further wouldn't be good for both of us.

She quickly sat back down next to her friends, conversing with them as if nothing had ever happened.

After about another hour of waiting, we finally started to head off toward the dungeon, and after we all presented our IDs to the guards, we walked down the long hallway.

The musty smell of rotting corpses and unwashed fur wafted through the hall, causing most people to plug their noses all the way until we reached the massive cavern holding the dungeon we were planning on defeating.

This was also the dungeon I was planning on killing Faye in…

As soon as we stepped into the cavern, we were greeted by a pack of pure black wolves with shining crescent white pupils that seemingly dug into our faces.

The eerie and almost ghostly forest that surrounded us enhanced their scary appearance, and if I could tell, pretty much everybody here was beginning to get the jitters from all the adrenaline.

Faye, on the other hand, was happily humming to herself as being a B-rank adventurer, she could easily clear out all of these monsters.

"Miss Faye, would you like to have the honor of having the first kill?" The leader asked, and without hesitation, Faye raised the metal sword she had been carrying, causing it to sparkle with a few white lights.

Interesting… Holy magic… almost the opposite of me… but with this skin surrounding me, she won't be able to injure me unless that magic touches my bones.

In other words, I was completely fine being exposed to holy magic on a surface level… unless it was something super powerful that created some kind of explosion.

Obviously, I would get injured by the explosion, and of course, if a weapon or arrows made of holy light stabbed into me, not only would it do surface damage but also make my bones disintegrate as they began to purify my monster body.


Faye's sword lit up into that of a small bright white sun that caused the surrounding wolves to disintegrate into dust.

But, from what I could tell, she definitely used up a large portion of mana to show off, but the cheering and naive raid members around me were just happy to see that they had such a powerful frontline.

"Allow me to introduce Miss Faye Glintworm, a member of the prestigious Glintworm family. Even before mana entered this world, they were quite the amazing and rich family," The leader introduced the woman with short white hair.

As Faye waved back, I couldn't help but let out a slight sigh as even though I knew of the atrocities the Glintworm family had committed, nobody else would believe me since they were such small fry without any good informants.

"Alright! We'll be proceeding toward the center of the dungeon where the boss room is held! But first! We will take a few days to help some people level up! And no objections!" The leader announced before we started our march toward the center of the dungeon.