The Mansion and Preperations

A week had passed, and the time for this little party of hers had finally come and since arrangements like these always ended in a pile of shit, I made sure to pack some of my equipment in a storage ring.

I had been to too many parties with arrogant and clashing rich people with horrible personalities to know that somebody had arranged this to get rid of somebody.

It's cliche, obvious, and very, very boring… but I'll also take this chance to hopefully kill Faye if I get the chance.

"Welcome. The young miss has already informed you of your arrival. Please head to her room on the third floor and the second door to the right hallway," The servant said as he greeted me at the gate of her mansion.

Nothing had changed about this place.

But, I'm glad to see nobody remembered me after my single visit in the past.

"Your room still looks the same," I muttered, pushing through the door uninvited and staring up at the massive white chandelier above.

Faye absolutely loved the color white for some reason.

Maybe it was the purity of the color, or maybe how bright it was… but for some reason, it had been her favorite color for as long as I could remember.

Her massive room, which was as big as my living room and kitchen combined, was covered in white from head to toe.

Jewels glistened with an ivory glow, and her matte white walls still seemed to produce a sheen that stared directly at me.

Her singular king-sized bed, two couches, a massive television, and a singular desk scattered with all kinds of beauty products, papers, and various jewels were plopped in the very corner of her room… it was still the same.

"Last time you came, your eyes were practically sparkling," Faye lightly chuckled as I sat down on her couch and sunk into insanely soft pillows.

They seemed to cradle the brunt of my weight and massage each and every individual muscle in my legs, back, and shoulders… everything was beginning to soothe just by sitting on this singular couch.

"Uh huh… so, what's the outfit?" I asked, and suddenly a pair of maids shuffled into the room, bringing out a decent black suit with an optional trench coat. "You're gonna make me look like a mafia boss… what the fuck," I lightly chuckled, cracking a small smile.

She creepily knew my taste in clothing.

"Come on, try it on," She gestured, and as I stood up from the absorbent couch, a presence so familiar stepped into my range of detection.

Ah… so he was going to be here as well.

"Hey, tell me about the guests that are going to be here," I muttered with Faye removing her eyes from my body, showing a surprising amount of courtesy as I began to change.

The maids attempted to help me change, but I didn't want them possibly marking me with some kind of magical rune or circle, so I quickly shooed them away.

Their displeased and almost insulted expressions were still on their faces as they left the room.

"A few big families will be here, though I doubt you'll be impressed by any of them… was there a family you wanted to know about?" Faye immediately got the gist of my question, and as I buttoned up the suit, I cracked open my dry lips.

"Is the Pixland family going to be here?"

As I turned to Faye, I saw her eyes quickly shoot towards me and slightly squint as if she wasn't weary of me enough.

The number of Watchers covering her ass all the time was annoying, and even currently, the amount of them watching me as I changed was nearly ten.

"Is there a reason why?"

"I have an old friend from that family… he's a nice guy, so don't get too jealous," I smirked, and as Faye squinted her eyes, even more, I slipped on the final piece after the trench coat: a pair of solid black gloves.

"Alright, I better get changing, and just in case a fight breaks out tonight, stay by me. I'll be sure to protect you," She let out a bright smile that made a single thought rise up to the forefront of my mind.

What an annoying woman.

Once the clock had struck exactly eight in the evening, I took Faye's hand, which was covered in a lacy white glove softer than the clouds.

But, with just a bit of pressure, I could feel her hard work and the endless amount of time she had poured into redeeming herself… revealed just on the skin of her hands.

Yet, I couldn't give any less of a shit.

She was in a revealing black dress that matched me, displaying some of the tattoos that she had, which presumably she had been covering up with makeup.

So that's why there was so much makeup scattered across that desk… did she not want to present herself as improper?

"You're hilarious," I lightly chuckled as my eyes scanned the tattoo, which crawled from the side of her neck to her shoulder and all the way to the side of her thigh.

"Hm? Why?"

"Those tattoos fit your personality more," I tauntingly smiled, and as the woman looked a bit surprised, her expression lightened, and she chuckled with me.

"Now, please behave yourself," She muttered before a pair of doors opened, revealing the massive hall where the party was taking place.

Of course, it was grand, but the atmosphere had been laced with malice as even though everybody had masks of smiling expressions sewed to their faces, just below them were hungry eyes waiting for the chance to pounce.

"Now that everybody is here let us bring in the main woman of tonight! The treasurer of the Glintworm family! Dalla Glintworm!"

Oh… I completely forgot this was a birthday party… maybe I should've bought a gift.

"You didn't bring a gift, did you?"

"...I forgot," I lightly chuckled, and as Faye just smiled back, two even grander doors opened at the end of the hall.