Faye's Determination and Angel Tech Dungeons

"Geez… you goddamn idiot," Albus sighed, slumping down in his chair and twirling in it just for a few seconds before turning back towards Faye.

She was taking short glances at my chest, not even noticing that both Albus and I were watching her the entire time.


"S-Sorry!" Faye cried out, covering her eyes and panicked smile.

"Faye, are you sure you have a crush on her?" Albus asked, as serious and cool as a cucumber.

"I-I never said I had a crush on her…" she trailed off. "I just wanted to earn her forgiveness and that is why I am here,"

Clearly, she wasn't telling the full truth, and whether that lie was wanting to earn my forgiveness or not having a crush on me… well, I couldn't care less.

"And how exactly do you think you'll earn her forgiveness? Do you even remember what you did?"

"Of course I do, and I regret it every day… I'm serious. But, I'll be sure to earn your trust and hopefully earn your forgiveness soon… I swear,"

"You can earn it now if you want," I responded, and Faye's immediately lit up like two light bulbs.

"R-Really? How?"

"Cut off your right arm right now," I demanded, and the woman visibly gulped down a large drop of saliva, sweat trickling down her cheek. "What? Do you not believe me? Do you think I won't forgive you if you do that,"

Albus, somehow already prepared, pulled a small butterfly knife out of his desk drawer and flipped it open, handing it to the woman with the handle side down.

She gritted her teeth for just a moment before grabbing the knife and going to swing down but hesitating upon just barely scraping her skin.

Clearly, she was scared and had a mess of emotions flowing through her, really debating if it was worth it.

But as if a ghost had taken her over, her eyes filled with determination, and she swung down hard. Very hard. Hard enough to cut her arm off… only if she actually had a weapon sharp enough.

She let out a loud yelp of pain as she pulled the few centimeters of blade stuck in her arm out with a quick and flawless motion.

"Huff… huff… huff… shit… it didn't cut all the way through," She muttered, the adrenaline rushing through her and causing her hands to shake violently.

Her eyes darted from the wound to me, debating whether she could heal herself because she felt she had shown enough determination.

"Whatever… that's enough," I sighed, taking the blade from her hand and noticing blood dripping off of it.

But it wasn't from the wound on her arm that had trickled down her sleeve, but blood from the palm of her hand that was gripping so tightly that it tore her skin.

Quickly, she healed her own wound and I took a glance at my pitiful status.


[Name: Helu]

[Race: Undead]

[Class: Disciple of Smoke]

[Level: 9/20] (0/75) XP Needed

[HP: 23/25 MP: 25/25 SP: --/--]

[Strength: 7]

[Defense: 5]

[Magic: 7]

[Speed: 15]

[Skills: [Empower] [Haste] [Eagle Eye] [Darkness Manipulation] [Conjure of Darkness] [Stealth]

[Pentagram: [Hand of The Souls] [Soul Eater] [Soul Screaming Flames] [Necromancy]

[Calvary of Smoke: [Smoke Magic]

[Passive Skills: [Undead Influence] [Dagger Proficiency]

"I need to level up more… can I get access to one of your dungeons? I need to farm levels right now," I asked Albus as Faye scurried to go wipe up some of the blood that had dripped on the floor.

But it seems she gathered a good impression of Albus as he quickly caught her hand and shook his head.

As he then led me out of the office, he slowly turned back to Faye, who just stood there awkwardly, wondering why he did that.

"I have janitors. They'll clean it up for us,"

Our walk was simple and short as we soon arrived at the elevator but found ourselves going downwards with such speed that my feet nearly lifted off the ground.

It went from floor one hundred to floor fifty and then somehow passed floor zero, going to floor negative twenty-five and eventually arriving at floor negative thirty-four, apparently the lowest floor in this building.

"I had no clue there were floors under this building,"

"Oh… they're all just dungeons we've managed to get a hold of it… pretty good, right?" Albus silently smirked.

As we stepped through the door, I found myself greeted by a wave of thick miasma radiating from a portal so big it might as well have been as large as my apartment building.

"What… the hell…" I muttered with disbelief and shock being the only things running through my body.

The power of this portal was near unbelievable, and the closer I got to it, the more I felt it call out to me.

"This is the same portal we had been dropped in…" Albus muttered, staring up at the swirling mass of purple energy.

He dropped that bombshell of information like it was nothing, causing me to freeze as I began to process just what he had said.