Baby steps

It has been a few months since I woke up in hospital. In this time I have learned many things. Chief among which is, I am an idiot.

I had healed properly in 3 weeks. Enough to get some of the internal stitches out. Mobility and certain activities would make the pain flare up again. Like something burning inside of you. But it wasn't so bad most of the time. Revan used this time to teach me meditation. Konrad sat in on those lessons as well. It did wonders for his mental state. As for me, 'thinking about nothing' is actually very easy. I'm a 'natural' according to Revan. What comes after, not so much.

The year is 1996. There are aliens and costumed freaks running around all over the world. And I am expecting things to play out like they did in my old world. I mean the market isn't working like it should. There was the crash in the 70s. But when the Wayne's were killed. The market dropped 15% in a day.

That's 'fuck you!' money.

The government policies are at least the same, complete rubbish. And the new tech companies are coming up like weeds. Hopefully the dot com crash happens here as well. Don't know about 9/11 or the second Gulf war. But I need to own a sizeable share of both Wayne Enterprises and Lexcorp.

Wayne Enterprises, because, Batman. And Lexcorp, after I eliminate the over ambitious testicular cancer, I need a controlling majority. Rename the company, and make more money. Why compete with a new company, when you can simply take over an existing one. One that makes billions every year.

That being said, it's easier said then done. I need a few billion of my own to play with the big boys. Right now I only have £20. Ever since governments stopped using the gold standard, money is whatever you want it to be. I really want to learn how to add more zeroes to my bank account with a computer. I'll have to do that before 2001. Anti Money Laundering and Know Your Client protocols will become more stringent. Whatever game I run, it's going to have to be quick and under the radar. Even for that, I'm going to need a few million pounds.

New plan, rob criminals, use that money to invest/trade in the stock markets. Find companies that I know will be going out of business and short the living daylights out of them.

Also the Force ability 'Mechu-deru' will be immensely useful. If I could get to that level that is. There are many prerequisites to develop specific skills and abilities in the force. Many of which, I currently lack. Hell, I can barely push and pull. Forget about anything else.

According to Revan, The Force responds to the users needs, not desires. So increasing your knowledge and understanding of various topics is necessary. No two force users develop their abilities the same way or to the same extent. The methods can be introduced, but to develop them to an useable level takes different amounts of time for different people.

I am going to need to get my shit together pretty quick if I want to be able to survive in this world, and complete Lucifer's task. He insisted on Lucifer. Who am I to argue with the devil. In all honesty he seems like a pretty chill guy. But I wouldn't want to overstep my bounds. Like the other two keep telling me.

Back to the money non-issue, minor inconvenience at best. I have money for my degree. Both from family savings and military grant. Well it's my late father's compensation. I'm going to use it well, and perhaps do some good in this world.

My mom works in the biotech R&D division of Wayne Enterprises, it's an international company. She's been doing that since she got her double-major, before she met my dad. They met while refitting a soldier for prosthetics, married five months later and had me.

It's hard seeing mom and nan sad every time they see dad's picture. It motivates me to make something of myself.

Yes I can let Konrad take over and go on a murder spree that will shake Britain to it's core, but that's not the point. I mean, I'm still going to do it, but with a proper plan. I really don't want to deal with the super-douche community, but our paths will inevitably cross. Best be prepared for when that happens.


So the situation we're in right now is a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde scenario.

For all intents and purposes either Revan or myself are Dr. Jekyll. I am more prominent at the moment simply due to my previous life's experience on Wall Street. It will help with Lombard Street here in London.

Moving on, I am Dr. Jekyll, for lack of a better analogy, and Konrad is Mr. Hyde. Revan is the metaphysical "glue" holding all three of us together.

So every time I sleep, Konrad has the ability to come out. And boy does he come out. I woke up last week with my apartment all messed up and most of my furniture broken.

Revan and Konrad shared the memories of that night.

Saying that I basically "Hulked out" is very incorrect way of saying I became death incarcerate. The Hulk becomes an oversized, overpowered, mindless beast.

I or rather we, switch places. My mind is completely cut off from what is happening while Konrad is active physically. I asked how he was able to communicate with me for the last few months.

"I have stayed awake longer than you have been alive boy." Was the answer my poor mortal soul had to deal with. Accompanied by memories of a battlefield filled with burnt and flayed corpses. Screams of the tortured and the wails of the damned.

"Alright I get your point. Stop it already."

What we found out was, when Konrad and I switch places, we really do switch places.

In the meeting with Lucifer, he was wearing his armour. Guess what he's wearing when he switches places with me?

Yep his armour and an intact STC core.

Step one, get off this rock.

Step two, set the galaxy in fire. No Konrad, it's rule the galaxy. Or rule a galaxy. Haven't worked that out yet.

Baby steps.