Heist part 3

The snipers in the nearby building except for the one that blew up started to fire taking out several of the criminal elements inside the governor building while the other criminals take cover and return fire best they could.

Vail was no exception to this as he two to cover next to shadow striker as they both return fire in opposite directions doing their best to take out the enemy snipers from the nearby buildings.

However it's proven futile as there support dwindles bit by bit as each criminal is killed with each passing minute leaving Vail and shadow striker on their own Vail scene in the access point fires his blaster into it, making a necessary hole for both him and shadow striker to go through. Realizing that they're stalling for time plan has backfired on them, but they did not account for so much enemy fire power.

Picking her up, he begins, carry her towards the hole as she continues firing at the enemy with her own blaster.

Jumping down into the hole that he made by firing into the access point(A really big pipe that runs through the complex) putting her down, he begins, linking up his own device with Airachnid.

Vail:Airachnid!!! Where are you are our position has been compromised our extra help has been eliminated. It's just me and shadow striker now give us your coordinates and we can link up.

There was a brief moment of static before response was received.

Airachnid: since my coordinates, I'm almost to the vault we can still get this job done.

Vail: understood heading your way all right shadow striker let's get going we can do nothing for our friends up top now you ready to complete this mission.

Shadow striker: slag!! This whole operation has gone Primus up!! But yeah, I still have enough explosives on me to make another door if we need it.

Vail and shadow striker makes their way through the complex of piping until eventually they were able to make their way all the way to Airachnid however, on the way, they sold many of her strike team, dead on the floor either through traps or through automated turret guns.

Airachnid was halfway through the door. Cutting it open with her equipment however, the threes reunion cut short as Vail can hear enemy forces coming their way through the pipeline.

Both him and shadow striker takes up positions and waited for their enemies to come to them, waiting for Airachnid to finish cutting through the door.

One by one city in forces came down the piping, and each one was gun down by both shadow striker and Vail they downed at least 20 enforcers before they got Wisen stopped and stop sending troops most likely to find an alternate route out of that kill box.

Before shadow striker could point out a possible strategy, she heard the door slam down on the floor looking over she could not help herself a grin see her best friend finish cutting through the door.

Airachnid: all right guys, this is it let's get what we can out of this place and go!!!!

Vail and shadow striker do not need to be told twice as they ran inside the vault seen all of its treasures. However, Vail was more concerned with the transforming module data for the rest of the citizens of this City.

He did not have to look far he found the module pretty easy it seemed like the government official of the city likes, putting his trophies on display so he took the module and put inside his subspace(inventory) as well as grabbing some fresh energon that was kept in storage down here, allowing the group to refuel to 100%.

Shadow striker got herself some new guns, as well as several weapons schematics, which can be sold as a very high price on the black market.

Airachnid however, found something else a relic Cybertron's golden age, The repair shift advice that instantly repairs any damage a transformer takes by utilizing nanomachines, the device also prevents the transformer from natural aging,Despite transformers possessing an incredibly long life spans it allso protect them from potential viruses, or outside elements, such as rusts end, or even the dreaded Tox-En.

Once she slapped it on, she was instantly aware of its functions, since the device itself was equipped with an auto knowledge in surgeon, which allows anyone to know how to use it at the moment they equipment.

Airachnid smiled evilly at the immense treasure she just found in this place, despite the many losses they've taken.

The three of them carry as much as they're able in their sub spaces wild it was able to carry more through his inventory when they saw him do this he easily explained it was one of the relics he had on hand that allowed in the store items in another space.

With the tight and intense atmosphere, and the possible realization of potentially dine at the hands of enforcers they simply accepted the explanation especially Airachnid Who already equipped a relic of cyber Tron's golden age, which, in her eyes was easily explained because of it.

They took what they wanted and bolted, going down when the emergency escape routes that Airachnid and former team mapped out to escape.

As they were making their escape, they were also being chased by enforcers they made their way finally back down the pipe to realize they were not being shut out again, and once they discovered the vault was pillaged, they effectively gave Chase.

Blaster fire was fired, back-and-forth between the two groups as the thieves did their best with their daring escape, while the enforcers continue to chase them down.

Vail volunteered to be the boat sponge. Thanks to his shield. Allow him to take a lot more hits than normal. Every time I shot was fired and made to connect it would hit visible force field surrounding veil, negating the damage.

They kept on running until shadow striker. Instructed them to stay with they were, as she set up, explosives to give them away out into the city, since they came out far enough through one of the underground areas.

At this point, they are very far away from the building that they stole from, but then enforcers were determined to catch them.

Airachnid and vail made their stand and continue firing their weapons and taking cover once in while able to take out one of the enforcers sitting out their numbers but soon they did no good as more showed up.

Before things could get any more dire, shadow striker, finished her preparation's and lead the group down the hallway of the area they were in and once they were out of blast radius, she clicked on the trigger, making her bombs explode, making a big enough hole for all of them to fit through that, led directly into the city.

The three of them wasted no time and ran right out they lost the enforcers through the maze like city that was during one of its bustling hours The enforcers eventually had to give up on the search after several days worth of searching they could not find the criminals.

Meanwhile, all three of them who managed to get away in a different hideout, since they never use the same hideout twice after a heist, they began counting all of their loot, and it is a impressive hall enough so for them to crack out the high grade energon for a celebration, but also to drown their sorrows through the number of thugs, they lost, because most of them were hired through shadow striker.

Thus she was left the deal with the leftover family units that were left without a member now because those ones volunteered for this heist to do better for their families.

Airachnid and vail continued to drink high grade until they passed out while shadow striker still calling each and every individual Family unit only had to shake her helm at those two.

Shadow striker: those two what am I gonna do with them? I feel like I'm the only mature one here. I will just gotta finish up this last bit and I can drink myself to sleep too.