Guildmaster Marklein

When August stepped into the portal, he was hit with a wave of nausea for a moment before he felt normal again.

"Woah, that was trippy." August clutched his head and chuckled.

His demon kingdom didn't have this type of teleportation magic, so it was first time experiencing something like this.

Xie Tian soon appeared after him.

"Uhm, this is where the guild master resides?" August looked around the room before he asked Xie Tian.

The room was shaped like a cube while its walls were painted white.

The decorations were white, the lamps were white, even the paintings and trophies showcased within the white shelf were white.

Xie Tian nodded his head. "Yes, this is where the guild master resides. Now follow me."

Without wasting another second, Xie Tian muttered chants from an unknown language while circling the air in front of him with his arms.

August found it weird but he decided to remain silent.

'Must be a summoning chant or something similar. I wonder if Sion knows anything about this…I'll ask him about this later.'

Initially, nothing happened when Xie Tian started his chant.

But as his chanting got louder, so did the vibrations in the white room.

'These vibrations…It couldn't be! Have the mortals of this world found a way to open spatial hubs within their own plane of existence?! That's insane!' August couldn't help but show a look of shock.

Coming from someone whose culture was a hundred times more advanced than his current world, August knew how hard it'd be to forcefully open holes in space.

It was even harder to create small spaces within those spatial holes suitable for living.

Considering that every world's laws were more or less the same, there were laws that prevented mortals from destabilizing space and making homes out of the destabilized space.

Not only that, the world has to be acknowledged by the Heavens for a century straight before they can gain access to spatial technology and the science behind it.

'Ah, that's where you're wrong~' A child's voice resounded within August's head, interjecting his thoughts with a playful tone.

"Huh? Sion? What do you mean I'm wrong?"

'You're wrong on many things actually.'

"Could you…elaborate on that? I don't know where I am wrong."

'First things first, you have to remember that you are in the mortal realm now. Not the Underworld. The laws here are different. Secondly, the Heavens favor the mortals, especially humans and elves. Why? I don't know. It's just how the world works here.' Sion paused for a moment before continuing.

'Moving on, since the Heavens favor mortals like that Xie Tian guy in front of you, the gods and celestials will bestow the mortals gifts. Gifts that allow them to destroy space. Gifts that make mortals into supreme beings etc. In turn, the mortals will then worship and respect their benefactors forever. This is how the higher existences maintain their power while living in Heaven.'

"I see…" August muttered.

'Lastly, you must know that the Heavens have favored mortals since the dawn of time. Unless a mortal has sinned, the Heavens will continue to bless and protect mortals for years to come.' [Sion]

"So if I become a Celestial, do I need to bestow gifts to the mortals here? I'm not a mortal myself so I can't really say I'm attached to them and that I will bless them." [August]

'Generally, yes. Higher existences such as Gods and Celestials require the belief of millions of followers to live a normal life in Heaven. But for the undead that tries to ascend into a Celestial, the method to sustain yourself there is different.'

"Uh, different how? Sion? Hello? Are you there? Huh, he must be busy then." Hearing no reply from his ex-minister, August remained calm and thought of why.

He remembered that Sion was still in the Underworld, being hunted down by his other ministers. Escape would be the ghost god's most important goal.

'His explanation about how undeads become Celestials can wait.' August thought to himself.

The room has stopped shaking.

August and Xie Tian were now standing in front of a pair of wooden doors. It had words etched into the twin doors.

"Guildmaster's Quarters?"

"We have arrived." Xie Tian nodded in reply.

Xie Tian knocked on the wooden doors once before turning the door knob and walked in.

August followed after him.

When August walked through the doors, a wave of nausea hit him, causing his knees to buckle.

'Another barrier?' August was shocked.

He didn't expect the guildmaster to erect another barrier within the spatial hub.

'Isn't this guild master too cautious?'

"Ah, you must be August Pranda." A deep yet rugged voice resonated within his mind, washing away his nausea in an instance.

'This ability…According to Sion, the guild master is a Qi Manifestation realm Master?!'

Getting up from his embarrassing pose, August felt intimidated.

The man sitting in front of him, albeit looking like a normal middle aged man with a goatee, exuded a mighty aura that compelled respect from those around him.

"Your name is August Pranda, correct?" The man asked again.

August paused for a moment, before he nodded his head.

The man in front of him was none other than the Guildmaster of the Perak Branch Adventurers Guild, Marklein.

Marklein swept his eyes over August before continuing.

"Good, you don't seem to be lying. Moving on, please hand over your letter of recommendation to Xie Tian over here. I still need to verify the validity of your claims. Don't worry, this is standard procedure introduced by the Ancient Ghost Clan to us anyways."

For once in his life, the ex-devil, August finally felt fear. And it was from a mortal, no less.

Just handing his letter of recommendation over to Xie Tian who then passed it to the guild master made his soul tremble ever so slightly.

'Marklein this man, I'm dead if he finds out that I'm a zombie.' August thought to himself.

August didn't know why the guild master of the Perak Branch made him scared, but his senses told him so.

Nonetheless, August decided to remain vigilant as Marklein and Xie Tian validated his letter of recommendation.