
The next day, around eleven o'clock at night, two men dressed entirely in black crept up to an apartment building. They came to a halt in front of a metal box structure that was five meters wide on all sides.

One of the two mysterious men took out a certain object and placed it on one of the door-shaped parts of the metal box structure.

Beep! Beep! Crack!

The door-like structure opened, revealing a narrow room filled with machines and various types of colorful cables. The majority of the machines were lit up with tiny twinkling lights.

They then took another item from their bag and simply placed the 30-centimeter-tall tube-shaped object on the floor of the narrow room. They exited and headed for the back side of an apartment building after setting a sort of timer on one side of the tubular thing.

There, one of them took out another tool to open the building's back door, and the other took out something resembling a metal baseball.