First Flag

"From the beasts that we killed during our journey last night, we have already gotten three points," Jono said while sitting on a pile of twigs and leaves.

They managed to slay three beasts with the power level of the sixth stage, but with great difficulty. Despite the pitch-dark situation, beasts with a power level at the sixth stage were extremely difficult to defeat.

Luckily, there was Nina, who was also at the power level of the sixth stage. But still, defeating beasts that are usually active at night is very difficult because Jono and his three colleagues have limited visibility; they are only helped by the dim moonlight.

In the sixth stage, a beast experiences a drastic increase in fighting ability and strength similar to that of a human. Humans at the sixth stage would gain second innate skills, as well as beasts.

"Our main target today is to get as many flags as possible before sunset; at night it will be more dangerous to roam around," Jono said casually.