The Videos Go Viral!

"Young man, although I'm also very curious about who won, I really don't want to court death!"

"That's right! Young man, you're young and you ran the fastest earlier. Middle-aged people like us can't outrun you when we encounter danger!"

"Speaking of this, I'm angry. When we were running earlier, you young people even pushed us middle-aged people away. You ran very quickly!"

"That's right! You don't know how to respect the old and cherish the young at all. When we were running for our lives, we, the older ones, fell. Why didn't you help us?"

These middle-aged men shook their heads and refused, and all of them spoke logically.

Although they were indeed very curious, they could still hold back their curiosity.

After all, sometimes curiosity killed the cat!

What if they were eaten by a tiger when they entered the forest?

The Siberian tiger was a protected species!

Moreover, it was a Level 1 protected species!