Wang Mang: I Think I See A Vast Sea of Evolution Points!

In truth, in a short period of time, Wang Mang had gone from a python that was more than 20 meters long to a super python that was more than 30 meters!

This was beyond her expectations.

She really could not understand what Wang Mang was eating!

This increase was too fast!

Even if he was taking hormones, it should not be possible!

Even hormones would not be that exaggerated!

For a moment, she was filled with curiosity toward Wang Mang.

She wanted to know, what was Wang Mang's method of quickly becoming stronger?

After all, she had used hundreds of years to grow to this level.

But what about Wang Mang?

He simply became stronger every few days!

Moreover, the interval was too short!

Such a short amount of time was almost negligible for demons like them who had gained sentience.

But the craziest part was…

Wang Mang actually wanted to attack her!

He actually wanted to eat her?