Brother Black Bear, Are You Alright? Did I Hurt You?

At this moment, in a hidden cave.

The Black Bear Demon King, who was recuperating in the cave, suddenly opened his eyes and revealed a puzzled expression.

"Why do I feel uneasy? This is not a good sign!"

"Could it be that someone is plotting against me?"

For a moment, this inexplicable uneasiness made the Black Bear Demon King's heart palpitate.

This made the Black Bear Demon King very uneasy. He was in no mood to treat his injuries.

However, after careful thought, the Black Bear Demon King felt that this shouldn't be the case!

Logically speaking, he had already gotten rid of the demon kings. He was still confident in this fact.

So where did this uneasiness come from?

For a moment, the Black Bear Demon King was puzzled.

The reason why he didn't consider Wang Mang was because he didn't think that Wang Mang had the ability to threaten him.