Controlling a Demon King? Successfully Controlling the Banana Tree King

After hearing the system's voice,

Wang Mang was stunned.

Is this a new mission mode?

Only one type of mission?

He could only choose to accept or reject it?


This was the first time Wang Mang had encountered a single mission!

However, this mission was not much different from the one he had accepted before!

The difference was that one mission asked him to defeat them, and the other asked him to kill them!

In that case, if he accepted the mission, wouldn't he complete two missions at once?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang became excited.

Moreover, the reward for this mission was not bad!

An additional guarantee of 1,000 evolution value for killing a demon king!

After killing two demon kings, he could obtain a Random Wheel of Fortune!

If he killed the four demon kings, wouldn't he be able to obtain two Wheel of Fortunes?

The more he killed, the more generous the rewards would be!