The Evolution Condition Has Been Satisfied! I Will Successfully Sweep Through All the Demon Kings in the Province!

After reading his personal information,

Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction.

He was already very close to evolving again!

There was only a difference of 5,000 evolution value!

This did not include the two reward missions that Wang Mang would receive after completing the mission!

At this moment, just the thought of it made him feel better!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's mood improved.

Although it was a little risky this time, Wang Mang had still successfully killed the Azure Python King!

Moreover, the feeling of eating alone was really great!

Originally, Wang Mang felt a little guilty.

However, when he saw that the Black Bear Demon King immediately ran away and left him alone, the guilt in Wang Mang's heart immediately disappeared.

Thinking of the Black Bear Demon King's shameless behavior, Wang Mang couldn't help but feel angry.

This son of a b*tch abandoned his teammate the moment he encountered danger!