Four In A Row!

[Ding! Congratulations! Obtained 200 million evolution value!]

[Ding! [Evolution conditions have been met. Begin evolution?]

The Top-grade Gacha was indeed worthy of its title. Wang Mang was totally satisfied with his harvest this time around. 

"System, begin the evolution! Also, use the 90% Evolution Card!"

[Ding! Host has successfully used the 90% Evolution Card!]

[Ding! 720 million evolution value has been successfully deducted! Beginning evolution…]

Two hours later, when Wang Mang awoke, instead of examining himself, he quickly said, "System, continue evolving! Use all three Free Evolution opportunities!"

Soon after, Wang Mang lost consciousness again. This time for six hours.


Four evolutions in a row! 

When he awoke, he could feel that his entire body was filled with power. 

He felt as if he could tear the world apart!