Setting Off


It seemed like the system agreed with him as well…

It was payback time!

There was no question whatsoever about which option he was going to choose, as he could not allow the future the little fatty had told him about to come to pass.

Sure, he was stronger now, but with a luck value of 499, who knew what Liu Xiu was capable of. He had to end this threat now!

"System, I choose Mission 3!"

[Ding! Host has successfully selected a mission option. Please complete the mission as soon as possible to obtain the reward!]

'Liu Xiu! I'm coming for you!'

'Sit tight, and wait for Papa to relieve you of your head!' 

After that, Wang Mang left the cave in a good mood. However, when he appeared outside, he realized how eye-catching his glowing red body was in contrast with the dense green foliage of the forest. 

Fortunately, he then realized that he could somewhat control how bright he glowed, and how much heat he emitted.