Big Opportunity!

"You guys had better get lost! This place doesn't belong to you outsiders!"

"This is our territory, so we call the shots here!"

"Now that you only have three emperors left, how can you fight us?"

Hearing these words of ridicule, the Black Bear Emperor's expression turned extremely ugly.

The Stone Emperor, who was the strongest among them, was even angrier.

He looked at the Black Bear Emperor coldly, clearly waiting for an explanation. 

F*ck! Why did Wang Mang and the Dog Emperor drop the ball at such a crucial moment?

The Stone Emperor considered himself the strongest terrestrial demon emperor in the Red Empire, so this was an affront to him. 

Faced with the Stone Emperor's cold gaze, the Black Bear Emperor said helplessly, "Stone Emperor, please remain calm."

"There's still some time before the land of opportunities opens."

"The Dog Emperor sent me a voice transmission. It seemed to have something urgent to do."