Gap In Strength

Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction.

He loved easy missions like this the most! 

At the same time, the Black Bear Demon King was staring blankly into the distance, at where the monk's body had just been disintegrated.

Its face was still filled with complete and utter astonishment.

Damn, he died so quickly!

After coming back to his senses, the Black Bear Demon King became terrified. 


If the monk that it could not defeat was defeated in one blow, then if this demon king simply blew on it, it might die! 

At the same time, this further roused the desire to become stronger in its heart.

Thinking this, the Black Beart Demon King immediately said in amazement, "Lord Demon Emperor, your strength shocks the heavens and causes the earth to tremble!"

"I feel that no terrestrial demon emperor in the Red Empire can compare to you, Lord Demon Emperor!"