Nothing's Working!


Was the system trying to send him to his death?

Immortal Nanhua's cultivation level had exceeded the 8,000-year mark!

How could he possibly defeat him?

Back in the New Frontier Province, despite being surrounded by five demon emperors, Immortal Nanhua had emerged safe and sound.

From this, it could be seen how powerful this old man was.

Therefore, Wang Mang did not really want to take the risk, as it was very likely that his life would be in danger.

The problem was that his obsession with mission rewards would not let him walk away. 

The first mission option's rewards were pure trash! 

A mere 100 million evolution value!

Was he going to accept that paltry sum?


Rather than that, even if he tried the second mission option and failed, at the very least, he would be able to test the old man's strength. 

Of course, the third mission option was completely out of the question.