Summoning (Part 4)

Moments later, as everyone watched in shock, the two golden beams collided with the huge meteorite in the distance…


The huge meteorite was blown to smithereens! 

Shockwaves from the explosion swept out in every direction, and bits of debris flew everywhere. 

Wang Mang was horrified and hurriedly activated his divine power to dodge, and the other demon emperors and land immortals did the same. 

However, there were many demon emperors who did not react in time, and did not even have the time to scream before they were either swept away by the shockwaves and turned into ashes, or smashed into meat paste by the oncoming debris!

Almost one-third of the more than 300 demon emperors present died!

Upon seeing this scene, everyone sucked in a breath of cold air…

This was too terrifying!

Of course, even though Wang Mang was also terrified, he was also secretly happy. 

Now, he had less competition on Earth!