
Wang Mang was quite satisfied by what he saw. 

Thinking about it, he was now so big that he eclipsed even those made-up monsters in the sci-fi and monster movies.

It was quite surreal, and it made him feel quite high-spirited. 

Of course, he was still miles behind Demon Lord Chong Lou, but so was everyone else on Earth, and that situation would probably persist for quite some time.

He then turned his attention to the new subordinate summoning card that he had obtained. If he managed to get more of these, then would he not be able to establish his own force of land immortals?

How crazy would that be?

Eager to see it in action, he muttered, "System, activated the Tier 3 Randomized Subordinate Summoning Card!"

[Ding! Congratulations! Successfully activated the Tier 3 Randomized Subordinate Summoning Card!]

[Ding! Host, please choose the two of the following experts that you do not wish to summon!]