
After hearing Wang Mang's words, the young man's face flushed red, and his gaze toward Wang Mang was filled with excitement.

Someone finally appreciated his talent!

In the past, no one had thought highly of him.

Therefore, he ran away from home when he was young.

No one was optimistic about his chances, but he rose up amidst adversity, from a tiny ant to the current Earth Immortal realm expert that he was.

Thus, Wang Mang's praise resonated with the youth!

For a moment, the young man looked at Wang Mang excitedly and said, choked with emotion, "Are you really willing to help me? Do you really think so highly of me?"

Wang Mang smiled warmly as he replied, "Of course,"

"I have a divination technique that can predict the future achievements of others from their faces!"

"I can see the sign of disaster on your face!"