Soul Refinement Prison

Wait for death?

After listening to this fellow's words, the trio were shocked.

What the hell was this place?

To be honest, Wang Mang was on the verge of collapse. He had been looking forward to a land filled with milk and honey, but reality had smacked him on the face hard!

Now, he was stuck in what was essentially a death row prison cell!

Wang Mang and the Dog Emperor looked at the Black Bear Emperor angrily.

Although they had yet to figure out what this place was, they knew that this was definitely not a good place!

Seeing their furious gazes, the Black Bear Emperor said in an aggrieved tone, "I wasn't trying to trick you guys! Didn't I follow you guys here as well?"

"What's worse is that the stone can't absorb energy from this place, which means that there really isn't any energy here!"

"If it can't absorb energy, we won't be able to go back."

Toward the end, the Black Bear Emperor burst into tears.