Promotion Officer (Part 1)

Wang Mang gritted his teeth and comforted himself. Sure, he had suffered humiliation, but revenge was a dish best served cold!

Once the opportunity was right, he would have his vengeance!

Thinking this, Wang Mang felt much better.

At this moment, amidst the discussions of the generals in the military camp, the Heaven Monarch General finally said, "All of you, be quiet!"

Hearing this, the quarreling generals finally quieted down and turned their focus to the Heaven Monarch General.

After all, he had the final say in this military camp, and was in command of every single one of them.

There were only four Great Generals under Emperor Ziwei's command, and the Heaven Monarch General was one of them. Between the four of them, they commanded a total of 20 million troops and generals!

Therefore, the Heaven Monarch General's status was just below Emperor Ziwei's, though he shared that status with the other three great generals.