Easy Peasy

After reaching the West Sea Dragon Palace, Wang Mang returned to the Dragon Might Palace. He also sent someone to summon Crown Prince Ao Ang.

Two hours later, Ao Ang arrived at the Dragon Might Palace.

As soon as he walked in, he cupped his hands respectfully toward Wang Mang and said, "Ao Ang greets the Great General of Long Wei."

Wang Mang nodded expressionlessly.

"I heard that you have a cousin who is a nine-headed bug?"

"Yes, Great General." 

Ao Ang was a little confused, but he still quickly nodded and said.

"Go and call him over! The sooner, the better," Wang Mang waved his hand and instructed.

"Yes, Great General. He was puzzled, but still left immediately to carry out the task.

Half a day later, Ao Ang returned with the Nine-headed Bug over.