Easy Pickings

Wang Mang was stunned.

Good fellow!

This system was even more ruthless than Wang Mang, and was obviously encouraging him to exterminate the Yang family!

With benefits on the line, Wang Mang felt swayed. However, it was still a straightforward choice. 

Both the first and third missions were out of the question.

Honestly, if the conditions permitted it, Wang Mang naturally wanted to exterminate the Yang family.

However, what if some of them were not within the territory, or managed to escape? That would render all of his efforts useless.

Thus, the choice was simple.

"System, I choose Mission 2!"

[Ding! Congratulations! The host has successfully selected a mission option! Please complete the mission as soon as possible to obtain the reward!]

After taking a deep breath, Wang Mang continued his journey with An Lan.