Crisis Averted

After listening to the system's notification, Wang Mang was overjoyed.

He had pulled it off!

Now, all he had to do was make his escape!

At this moment, Wang Mang vaguely felt the space in the distance distort.

When he raised his head and saw a scene that made his heart tremble, space shattered, and then a huge dragon claw covered in scales emerged from it and headed straight for Wang Mang!

Seeing this, Wang Mang turned pale with fright.

"Not good!"

There was no time to waste!

Wang Mang grabbed Wushi and activated the teleportation stone. Then, in the blink of an eye, Wang Mang, Wu Shi, and the Black Emperor disappeared.


At the same time, this terrifying dragon claw instantly turned the place where Wang Mang had been standing into ruins.

A terrifying aura swept out, causing the seawater to surge rapidly into the resulting crater.