A Massive Harvest!

A minute later.

The system's voice sounded for the second time.

[Ding! Congratulations, host! You have successfully obtained 500 million energy points!]

Wang Mang nodded inwardly.

The reward this time was not bad.

It had only opened two prizes, but the energy value was no less than that of the Immortal King Treasure Chest.

Another minute passed.

The system's voice sounded for the third time.

[Ding! Congratulations, host! 500 million energy points!]

Wang Mang nodded inwardly when he heard the third prize.

Currently, his accumulated energy had already reached 8 billion.

Even if Wang Mang advanced to the ninth level of the Immortal Emperor Stage, he still had 5 billion energy points left!

It shouldn't be much different!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's mood became even happier.

A minute later.

The system's voice sounded for the fourth time.