I Haven't Finished Speaking

'No! Piss off! Are you mad?'

Upon seeing the Heaven's Favorite rushing over, Lil Rulai immediately stopped operating the God-Devouring Bead in fear.

This was because once his God Devouring Pearl devoured the Essence Spirit of a genius, it would be completely useless.

At that time, if Wang Mang took advantage of the situation.

He was completely unable to contend against Wang Mang's Essence Soul divine abilities.

In that case, he would end up like a little Buddha of the Western Heaven Realm!

In the end, they could not escape death!

What puzzled him even more was how Wang Mang knew the method to break the God Devouring Pearl.

However, before Little Rulai could think further, Wang Mang, whose primordial spirit had left his body, sneered.

"You think that's it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Mang ordered the prodigy in his heart,

"Once the black hole appears, rush in immediately."