The Blood of Heaven's Favorites Rivers

This sudden cry for help.

Wang Mang was shocked.

Then, Wang Mang turned to look.

The Ancestral Dragon in the distance was fleeing in fear.

A prodigy of the Peak Alliance was hunting prodigies everywhere.

Not only Zu Long and Li Qinglian, but many paragons were also chased crazily.

Unfortunately, the barrier here was too small!

Under the pinnacle alliance's hunt, there was no way to escape.

Hence, many geniuses died one after another and were devoured by the geniuses of the Peak Alliance.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang's heart became even heavier. He simply pretended not to know.

That was because he couldn't even think properly now. How was he going to save the ancestral dragon?

Therefore, Wang Mang recollected his thoughts and looked at the green-robed genius not far away.

"Angry Qilin!"